Wheres Auntie Solo?

Start from the beginning

"No" the older woman answered. "Not yet"  the child nodded.

"Just know that I forgive you when you do" she spoke. Beyoncé was confused but nodded.

"O-ok" they went silent for a moment before Amariaan remembered what she was supposed to be doing.

"Well I better get going we're supposed to be going tot he moves so I have to finish getting ready"

"Yeah yeah ok umm, I'll save your number now that I know it's you" Beyoncé said. "Thank you for letting me do this" I love you and I can't wait for you to come home.

"Yeah. I love you too" Amariana smiled and Beyoncé was smiling in her end.

"Ok I'll call you soon baby" Amariaan nodded.

"Ok bye" the thing up and Amariana bit her lip smiling. She felt like she was on a cloud now that the heavy bricks of stress was gone. She stood up.

"Almost there" she muttered to herself thinking of how the happy ways were coming. She walked out and went downstairs meeting her aunt and cousin.

"Everything ok?" Solange asked. Amariana nodded while smiling.

"Perfect" they nodded and left out the house to the movies.

June 30th

I haven't told Beyoncé about me going to New Orleans yet or about Candace having a brother I didn't want to tell her about her brother because Beyoncé was finally doing well in therapy and her nerves and anxiety was calming down from it all so I didn't want to bring it back up. I was in my office going over the song list for me and Beyoncé performance. Until my phone rung I looked and saw it was Benny.

"Talk to me" I answered.

"Hey man letting you know the performance got pushed up earlier" he said.

"How early?" I sat up.

"As in tomorrow" he said innocently. I tensed up in my seat.

"Tomorrow?" I slightly yelled. "We don't even have all the songs"

"I know ow which is why they said you can just do one" I scrunched my face.

"One song?. Man that's not no performance"

"Listen man they don't care they just want to see you both peform that's why it got pushed up so early the tickets were selling out in hours." I huffed and rubbed my temple.

"Alright let me talk to bey"

"Alright let me know"

"Yeah I got you" I hung up and tossed my phone on my desk. I got up and went go fine Beyoncé.

"Bey" i called out walking to our room I opened the cracked door and saw her back facing me.

"Oh hey li-" she turned around with my laptop in her hand showing my email I sent to my agents.

"You're going to New Orleans" she said sadly. I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

"Look I was gonna tell you but -"

"Why are you going to New Orleans?" She cut me off. I didn't want to tell her but now it was too late.

"If I tell you please don't let it take over you again you've been doing do good and getting there" I spoke. She nodded.

"I've already talked to Amariana and we've both made it clear we want this mother daughter relationship to happen and we both made it clear we wan to move foward so what ever it is I don't care as long as your safe and my child and sister is as well so what is it?" I nodded.

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