We Beg Your Pardon! Allow Us!

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(We stayed and celebrated the victory of winning over the whole territory as they vowed their lives to be under our command..

3 weeks had passed and we were about to set sail as 3 boys ran to the front of our ship holding their belongings.. One of them had a long head and a confusing colour of hair and white skin, another and black hair, brown eyes and a smooth skin and the last had brown hair and rough skin..

I stood on top of my special sit as I looked at them)

Xeroc: Yes! What do you want..?
???: We are here because we've always admired the exodus pirate and we want to be chore boys of the crew
Xeroc: State your names
???: I'm "Gecko Moria"
???: I'm "Crocodile"
???: I'm "Mihawk"

Xeroc: Come back when you are older than this
Mihawk: Please we want to be on your ship
Xeroc: No! Go back home!


Xeroc: {Sigh} If you can defeat a person on the ship, you will be allowed.. But if not you'll be thrown overboard to the sea and swim back to the island

(They were all allowed into the ship as they looked around and saw the hugeness of the ship.. They followed me as we got to the training hall.. Doringo was found there training as usual..)

Xeroc: So kids! I've decided that you will have to defeat Doringo before you can be allowed on the ship
Mihawk: He's just a kid like us, so there's no problem with that
Doringo: Don't think it will be that easy to be a match for me weirdos
Moria: I know you are talking to me.. Let's settle things

<Doringo POV>

(Moria ran towards me as he tightens his fists and threw it at me, I dodged it easily as I used the handle of my sword to hit his head, he fell down as he looked at me from the ground..

I looked at my back and saw Mihawk and crocodile trying to attck me but I dodged and used the blunt side of my sword to slash their chests.. They flew backwards crashing into Moria who was trying to stand up..

They all stood up again as they boosted towards me again, I jumped to the ceiling of the hall as I made an attacking stance at them

'One-Sword-Style: Dance of the leaf!!

I used the blunt side of my sword to cut their chest as they all fell down and became unconscious)

Doringo: They are too weak pops.. They will be an anchor to us
Xeroc: Nah! With more training they will be more destructive than you think
Doringo: So what's the plan..?
Xeroc: They will be your surbordinate.. Take care of them for me
Doringo: Dad!!!!!
Xeroc: I give you 7 months, make them a commander level threat.. Be a good boy
Doringo: No fair dad.. No fair!

(I left his premise as he turned back and looked at the three boys who were laying on the ground..

<4 hours later>

They woke up feeling a heavy headache, they looked around as they saw they were in a room on top of a huge bed..

The door was opened as Doringo walked in and looked at them with an angry face)

Doringo: Get up! There's no resting for you guys
Moria: What!!
Mihawk: I understand, we want to get stronger.. We have to do it the hard way
Crocodile: Not a problem.. Getting stronger is much better than being weak
Moria: Nobody asked for my opinion..! This is crazy. I need my rest
Doringo: Then be weak.. I'm going. You coming..?
M/C: We're on our way

(They went to the training room as Doringo gave them some exercise to do like push-ups, sit-ups, lifting weights, thigh exercise and running.. He paired both Mihawk and crocodile to fight against him as they kept getting better everyday, Moria was just watching them train as he did his own secret training and helped Tora in his researches)

Doringo: Mihawk! You are good at using sword and crocodile is good at fist fight.. Maybe I'll tell cap'tn sliver to help forge a sword for you
Mihawk: Thank you master

(Doringo was actually older than them.. He was 12 years old and Mihawk, Moria and crocodile was 10 years old)

To Be Continued

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