Onward and upward

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(They were so happy as they rejoiced about their new ship.. There were plenty to eat at the banquet just ask and you shall be given.

Almost all of the population of water 7 came to celebrate with the exodus pirate and some of them joined to become their workers.

The exodus pirate left water 7 with more than 100 workers in different work site to help move the ship more faster)

Ashido: With this our new ship, where should we go next..? (she asked)
Xeroc: My father and I always wanted to go to the island in the sky.. There they say plenty golds lay there without an owner.. So our next destination is 'Sky Island"
Worker 1: So sir, what should we do..? (he asked)
Xeroc: Get the ship ready to boost up to the sky (I replied)

(All workers got the ship ready to fly in the air.. We flew up as we got higher and higher in the air, wind blew rapidly as sliver used the opportunity to gather wind the the ship's wind tube.

We got to sky island as everything was plain white and no sign of dirt.. We flew further hovering above the island.

I was sitting down on the ship's horns as a boy with white wings, white skin and even dressed in white was falling from the sky towards me, I caught him and looked at him as he was crying loudly. I patted him to stop after he stopped he looked at me and touched my cheek while smiling.. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I just had a soft spot for him and wanted to keep him as a son.

I asked him his name but he told me he didn't have a name. Then I took him back to my room which was big enough to fit 80 big and fat people, I fed with him to his full and clothes him again and changed his outer look)

Xeroc: So what type of name would you like to have..? (I asked him)
???: Anyone pops, just give me the name from your heart and I'll accept it joyfully
Xeroc: Then your name is 'Rocks D. Doringo" That's the name I want you to have
Fluster: Thanks dad.. I really appreciate the name

(Gray and haze came to my room and saw Doringo sleeping on my big bed, they were shocked that I actually kept the sky boy.. They reported the latest to me and told me that we had visitors called the 'RedHell Pirate" and their cap'tn 'Brong" wants to fight me)

Xeroc: You guys should send them away.. I'm too tired too come outside
Haze: We just came to tell you and ask whether we should go amok against them
Xeroc: Whatever just send them away and don't destroy anything on the ship.. Now give me and my little boy some privacy
Gray: Sure..

(They left and it didn't take time before I started hearing some explosions and booming sounds everywhere.. Doringo woke up and played around my ship as if nothing is happening, I looked at him with seriousness then he stopped and took a slaying axe as he stood his ground.. We heard footsteps approaching the door as I was still sitting down unshakeable Doringo was shivering in fear while holding his axe, the door opened as a tall figure entered holding a huge sledgehammer as it was coated with armament haki)

Brong: So this is where you reside, it's so big
Xeroc: Who are you..? And what do you find in here
Brong: I'm Brong the leader of the RedHell Pirate force and I'm here to take your head
Xeroc: Seems like I have a new short time playboy.. So you want a fight or not
Brong: Let's begin

(He tightens his grip on his hammer as he rose it to the air then with a leg back shift he boosted himself forward towards me with sonic speed that I know Doringo won't be able to see without observation haki.. He swings his hammer downwards at me but with speed I dodged his attack.

He continues to attack me but failure to hit me heads on


I punched his hammer with my right fist as it crafted my fist on its body.. He got more angry as he advanced his battle moral.

I watched him release great amount of armament haki on his arms then boosted towards me a second time but this time I waited to take a hit from his attack but with immediate effect I changed my mind as I dodged then punched his face with full force and brute strength, he's skull broke as he was sent flying outside of my room.

I found his dead body laying down in front of the building as a blood pool filled his surroundings.. I laughed then noticed that Doringo was with me all this time)

Xeroc: Hope that wasn't to brutal for you to watch..? (I asked)
Doringo: Nope.. I've seen more bloodshed than you think, so this one is nothing compared to what I've seen
Xeroc: Okay boy-o, I've understood
Doringo: I want to be as strong as you one day pops
Xeroc: If you train harder and show me you are advancing then I'll give you my ultimate gift.. So be a good boy and train harder

Doringo Bio

To Be Continued

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