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(Xeroc was as beating the hell out of baron as baron was looming at him with vexation.. I stood on top of the ceiling looking undefeated as i jumped  down at baron transforming into my hybrid form.

I bit baron on his neck sucking his blood with tremendous speed, Baron used his palm to slap his neck but I dodged and went to another part of his body

I sucked his blood from different places weakening his body.. He stood firm but before I knew it he fell to his knees)

Baron: Xeroc! What did you do to me..?
Xeroc: I drank your blood and shared my venom with you.. So for now you won't be able to move so well
Baron: Think again fool.. 'COMBUSTION!!!

(He's body increased in size as he gained more muscles and physical strength.. He rose up his sword and swings it down at me


2 figure stood in front of me as they blocked the attack and with immediate effect they sent his swords back at him)

Gray: We came to fight alongside you cap'tn!
Haze: We are your wings.. Without the wings a bird can fight but with the wings they are more stronger
Xeroc: Seems like I can't forget about you guys yet.. Well then, let's finish things up

(We all went into hybrid form as we disappeared from the spot, me and gray appeared in the air in front of baron while haze appeared near baron's knee, gray opens his mouth as hot-blooded lava shoots at baron burning his body, haze used his technique 'Raw Destruction" to punch baron's knee as it broke and his knee bone shattered in pieces.. I grabbed baron's hair and fell him down backwards creating a big 'Boom" that left a huge deep hole on the ground..

Baron stood up with his left leg as he's right leg was now out of place due to his knee.. He tightly held his sword but in the twinkle of an eye gray and haze broke his two swords leaving him open for attacks

I boosted myself towards baron's neck as I held his skin and transformed into my full form.. I sucked his blood for a long time as gray and haze kept him busy from attacking me.. I grew bigger and bigger each time as my height was 20 ft tall, I stopped sucking his blood as I gave him a round-house kick on his neck that broke his osophagos

He tried to grasp for air but he couldn't as he's eyes kept on becoming redder, blood started flowing from his eyes, nose and mouth before he fell down flat on the ground, I checked him and found out he was dead

I went back to sucking his blood until I was satisfied, I left his body being dried up as my gold eyes glows.. My aura became intense as everything around me started drying up, haze and gray ran away from me as they went back to meet the rest)


Xeroc: What is it again..?

[New deadly skill activated!]

Xeroc: What deadly skill is that..?

[Skill: Drain"
It has the power to take away the life span of any living thing.. Human, plant and animal.. In other ways it makes you immortal]

Xeroc: What a good skill.. Thank you

(I looked around and saw no-one, I ran in the direction of Corbin at a very high speed..

I ran passed gray and haze who was still using their full strength to run.. I reached where Corbin was and saw him being beaten up by the rest of my surbordinate..

I leaped towards him as I grabbed his neck tightly and started sucking his blood.. He fell to the ground as he was paralyzed and unable to move..

After sucking his blood my eyes glowed and my body was huge that it has to be a little bit taller than Kaido's hybrid form, I roared as my 'Drain" ability was awakened.. It sucked the life of all living thing except from my surbordinate)

Doringo: What's up with dad and this power, it makes him stronger
Nasha: Never seen this powerful aura before.. Even roger doesn't have it
Gray: Maybe this might be an awaken new power ability that his devil fruit grants
Haze: With this power I know that cap'tn can go toes on toes with Roger and won't give up


Chinjao: This is a demon..
Sliver: He's a demon..
Ashido: He's strength is incomparable to ours..
Tora: He's a true definition of a powerhouse.. With this ability cap'tn is on an admiral level threat
Xeroc: Find me someone strong..!!!!

To Be Continued

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