Mommy issues: Levi x Reader

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Every time your mom comes home, all hell breaks loose.

She has habit of taking all her anger out on you, for some reason you wish you knew. It might seem harsh but your mom is a straight up bitch, she always has something nasty to say.

Everything you do seems to never be enough for her, ninety fives on tests you take "aren't good enough" and should be one hundreds, B's are failing and A's are the only acceptable grade, anything below a ninety is a death sentence.

She's always got something to say about your appearance too, "Pick up your shoulders," "Why does your hair look like that." "Your eyebrows look weird," "You got your dads genes," and something along the lines of, "You look rough as usual,"

She's also crazy, anytime you try to make sense of whatever the hell she's rambling on about (she calls it back talk) she will literally blow a fuse, last time you did that she threw a cup at you- it shattered as soon as it fell to the floor and somehow, she claimed it was your fault- and almost hit you with a broom.

Her mood changes at the drop of a hat, one second, she's talking to you like nothings wrong, then the next she's calling you every single curse word in the damn book, you've tried to bring up the fact that she might need to seek professional help ever so subtly, but apparently you weren't subtle enough because she got the hint and shot up from her chair and started cussing you out while she tried to slap you.

She gets off of work at around eight every night, so that leaves you to yourself until then, you've just finished making dinner per your mother's request, she eats it then says it tastes like shit, despite her finishing the entire thing. There was a point in your life where you used to talk back to her nonsense all the time, but at this point you've just realized it's futile so you shrug it off most of the time. There's no way to get to her brain.

You've just finished plating her food when you hear the keys jingle on the other side of the front door, "God kill me now," you scowl before the door rips open, revealing none other than your mom.

"How was wo-"

"Are you stupid? How many times do I have to tell you to open the window whenever you cook?" She hisses, "Can I come home to a house that doesn't smell like shit after a twelve-hour shift?" she scoffs, slipping her shoes off and putting them to the side, you resist the urge to lunge at her and tackle her down a flight of stairs.

You sigh, something deep and heavy as you lethargically gesture at the plate of food on the counter, "Thats your plate." You point out, no emotion evident in your voice as you move over to the kitchen to dish up your own dinner.

She doesn't respond to you, instead she sets her stuff down on the coffee table before sitting down at the table and eating, "Where's your father?" She asks, sounding much less hostile than before, weird.

"Grocery store, we ran out of paper towels." You reply, curt and to the point, she hums in acknowledgement like she wasn't just complaining a second ago. You slide your plate of food across the table so you can grab a quick drink.

With your drink in hand, you sit down at the table, taking the seat farthest from her, you've got one goal in mind as of right now. Eat fast, get out of her face.

You start to eat, trying to ingore the tension in the air, your mom is just mindlessly scrolling through her phone while she eats- hypocritical, when you do that, she yells at you. She finishes eating and tosses her dish in the sink, along with the other plates.

Suddenly, you can feel an outburst coming.

"You never listen to me," She starts, "when you cook, wash the pots you use." She sneers.

Levi Ackerman One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon