Work can Wait: Agent Levi x Agent Reader (nsfw)

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Okay I literally know close to nothing about the FBI but please bear with me 😭  Also I know this one shot is really long so the smut is near the end if u wanna skip the whole plot buildup, I feel like making an AU book based on criminal minds, or like office work or something, but for now, that's just an idea :) ALSO make sure you vote on these stories so I feel like I'm not writing these one-shots for a brick wall 😋👍

Your occupation is easily, your biggest accomplishment.

You came from absolutely nothing, but you still managed to climb your way to the top. All those sleepless nights and study sessions really paid off. It had taken years of hard work and planning to make it this far. You sacrificed everything for this- friendships, boyfriends, fun nights, even your own damn family. It was worth it though because your pay is fucking great. Plus, the look on people's faces when they'd ask what your job was and you'd reply with "I'm an FBI agent," was priceless.

You make a good amount of money, however, instead of spending it on big ass mansions, or unnecessary home decor, you save it. You don't really fancy the idea of living a boujee life, you're content with your cozy apartment, sure it looks a little on the wealthier side, but is that such a crime? You drive a nice car too, but it's nothing too extra. The point is that you're content with your life as a Special Agent.

The only downside is that you're on call 24/7 which basically means you can get called in at any time, and you wake up hellishly early. So here you are, staring off into space at four in the morning as you stand, unmoving, in front of your counter waiting for your two cups of tea to finish seeping, one's black, and the other jasmine.

The timer you had set begins to go off, snapping you out of your daze. You take the teabags out and- slowly, like someone might be watching, you stick the teabags in your mouth, sucking out the extra flavor, then you toss them in the trash. You throw open the cabinet under the counter and seek out your large bottle of honey, you find it and drizzle some into your jasmine tea. He'd kill you if you put honey in his.

You place the lids over the two cups and leave them to sit on the counter while you get dressed. You slide open the door to your closet and throw off your pajamas, leaving you in just your underwear and bra. You rummage through your closet before pulling out a pair of black dress pants and a white button-up. You find a black blazer as well and toss it to the side. You'll put it on later. You drag yourself to the bathroom and run a brush through your hair while you continue on with the rest of your morning routine.

You finally throw on your blazer and put on a few spritzes of your favorite perfume. After a bit of struggling, you manage to get your shoes on, you shut your apartment door behind you and you make your way down the stairs, you furrow your brows when the cold winter air stings your cheeks.

You balance the two cups with one hand as you throw open your car door, once you're comfortably seated you set the two cups in the holder and you take a generous sip from your cup before jamming your keys into the ignition.

After a few silent curses at other shitty drivers, you find yourself a few feet away from your destination. It's always been a routine, you get ready, either he makes the both of you tea, or vice versa, and you pick him up, he has his own car but he likes to go over the schedule on the way there since there's no such thing as a "typical" day for an FBI agent, and he can't exactly do that while he drives.

You pull into an open parking space and whip out your phone and shoot your associate a text.

You (4:43): hurry up

You keep your phone open, waiting for his reply to pop up,

Levi (4:43): fucking wait

Levi Ackerman One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu