Cruel World: Sad Levi x Reader

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He can't catch a break.

First, his psychopathic uncle gets thrown in jail, Kenny had called Levi at around six in the morning when he had just started to fall asleep talking about some bail money, so, who was the one that had to get up and bail him out? Levi, granted he used Kenny's money, but still, it's fucking annoying.

Then, Kuchel's being rushed to the hospital after coughing up blood, he still has school to worry about, finals to study for, and Hange has set the fire alarm off at least four times in the past three days (she doesn't even live with him) and that's not even the tip of the iceberg, his insomnia is worse than ever and the bags under his eyes just get darker and darker, his coworkers are all brainless idiots, his stepdad keeps calling him, he keeps bumping into shit, and- he's a mess.

He doesn't even remember the last time he got at least four hours of sleep. The sound of his alarm goes off, startling him, he reaches over to shut his alarm off, is there any point in even setting one? He'll be awake anyways. The light from his phone makes his eyes hurt, as he squints at the time he notices his phone is on sixteen percent.

"Fuck." He hisses, his charger wasn't even plugged into the wall, with too much force, he shoves the charging block into the outlet and ignores the faint sound of his phone vibrating, indicating that it's being charged.

With a frown on his face, he gets up and as he's moving over to the kitchen to eat something real quick, he bumps his hip on the corner of his nightstand, he swears, then runs a hand down his face, he feels like shit, probably looks like it too.

He walks down the hallway, and he resists the urge to punch a hole in the wall when the lights don't turn on after he flicks the light switch on, it slipped his mind completely, he was supposed to change the bulb, he would have if he wasn't so caught up with school.

He settles on opening the curtains, letting the blue hues of the early morning substitute for the light in the kitchen, as he's walking back, he hits his foot against the leg of the couch, "Fuck!" He whines, "Jesus, just fucking kill me now." He grimaces.

The rest of his morning goes by rather roughly, he spills his tea, effectively burning himself in the process, cuts his finger on a knife while looking for a spoon, and hits his elbow on the handles of a cabinet.

The only thing that goes good for him is his morning shower, he doesn't drop anything or hit any other parts of his body on anything. He reaches over the bathroom counter, grabbing his toothbrush from the small cup, as he's brushing his teeth, he hears something, it's the dripping of the shower, he must've not shut it off all the way.

He reaches over to shut off the shower, while doing so, he knocks the cup off the counter, it falls to the floor, shattering in the process. Levi acknowledges the fact that there's glass shards all over the floor now, but he continues to shut the shower off, then he stares at the glass on the floor while brushing his teeth, he doesn't even have the energy to clean it up.

He rinses his mouth, shuts the bathroom lights off, and closes the door, he'll pretend the broken glass isn't there. He's got a class pretty early today, and it's one that he has to go to. He heads back into his room, his phone is now at thirty seven percent, he can work with that.

He grabs his backpack and heads out the door, he walks down the stairs slowly, almost as if he's expecting to trip on something. Everything seems to be against him today, even the weather, it's especially cold today, usually he's not sensitive to the cold or whatever, but today he is for some fucked reason.

Once he gets to class, he makes sure to sit all the way in the back, that way no one can bother him, not even Hange-

"You look like shit."

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