Tired: Levi x tired reader

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You've been in the library for a significant, amount of time.

 After a sparring session with your captain, you came into the library to dust and clean the place. but a certain navy blue-ish book caught your eye, you intended on just skimming through the pages but hadn't realized you already made it halfway through the book. You sit on a little stool in front of a large shelf, with your book in one hand and your head propped up on the palm of your other hand, you make it to the last page of your book before you realize how heavy your eyelids are. 

You put your book back onto the shelf and make your way over to the window, to be honest, the warm lighting of the library, the way the curtains swayed when a calm breeze of wind flowed through the window, and the fact that you were the only one in here this late, was really relaxing.

"shit," you think out loud.

 what time even is it? you glance over at the big ass clock on the wall

1:23 a.m

you sigh as you realize you're gonna be running off a few hours of sleep again. Sleepless nights weren't a stranger to you, a few cups of sugary tea should be able to keep you on your feet tomorrow. 

You make your way out of the library and your footsteps echo throughout the hallway as you travel over to your room. Well, his room to be exact.

You and Levi's relationship wasn't that much of a secret to Erwin, Hange, or Miche. But the other cadets and scouts just thought of you two as "Humanitys Strongests" which makes sense considering the fact that you were Levis's second in command. You had been offered your own squad but declined as you'd rather be working directly next to Levi. 

You stop right in front of Levi's room and your face twists up in disappointment as you realize he's still up, most likely doing that damned paperwork again. You knock solfty then open.

Levi doesn't bother saying his usual "State your name and business" as he realizes it's you from the way you knocked.

You make your way into his room and you push your back against the door to close it.

"Your up late, again," you say as you turn your head to look at him.

"I could say the same to you," he responds, not even looking up from his paperwork. You've noticed he's been pulling all-nighters more and more, the bags under his eyes have grown darker.

You walk over to him and bend to his level since he's sitting down.

"Can't all this work wait until tomorrow? you need sleep." You say concerningly. 

"I don't need sleep. And I want to get all this to Erwin by tomorrow, I only have a few pages left, ill be fine." He argued with a hint of whininess in his voice, you chide yourself for finding it cute.

you reach your hand out and glide your thumb over his under eyes. "Your eye bags say otherwise, they're getting darker Levi." 

He hums in response knowing your right. All of Levi's paperwork has been sorted into two piles. Finished, and Unfinished. He said he only has a few pages left but, the pile is too big to be considered "a few pages,"

You take half of the paper and set it on the opposite side of the desk, you pull out a chair and take a seat. You don't miss the way Levi eyes you wearily. You stick your hand out, Levi sighs as he hands you a pen. 

"Thank you."

you let out a snarky chuckle as you write. This isn't the first time you've helped Levi with his paperwork.

20 minutes pass and your eyelids feel heavier than before, you release the pen and stretch out your fingers before picking the pen back up and continuing writing. 

2:25 a.m

You finally finished the paperwork you helped Levi with, you pick up the stack of paper and place it on top of his finished pile. You decide to go freshen up in your own bathroom as Levi finishes his part of the paperwork. 

"where are you off to?" Levi questions, still not looking up.

a cheeky smile grows across your face, amused that he cares "gonna take a quick shower, don't cry while I'm gone."

"Oh trust me I won't" you catch a glimpse of a small smile on his face.

After you shower, you throw on a white tank top and some loose black shorts, lucky for you, your room isn't far from Levi's.

You come back to find that he's finished his paperwork, you hear a shower running in the distance and you open to door to his room, and sit on the edge of the bed waiting for him to finish, after what feels like forever you move from the edge of the bed to the window thats on the other side of the bed and you sit crisscrossed until Levi comes out. 

Levi comes out wearing a button-up with the first two buttons undone, you force yourself to look away, because if you didn't he'd probably catch you staring. You feel the weight of the mattress shift and crawl over to Levi's side. 

"do I have to sleep? you know I won't be able to, it's useless,"

"nah you don't have to, I could always just get up and leave," you tease knowing he won't let you.

Levi stares at you with hooded eyes and his lips part, like he can't believe what you just said.

You crawl over top of him with a stoic face, and make your way off the bed, your at least 5 inches away from the bed before a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, and pull you back onto the bed. 


you chuckle softly.  

"I wasn't actually gonna leave, you know."

"shut up" 

"make me," you joke.

Levi takes your face in his hands and angles your head before his lips smash onto yours you whimper at the sudden action, and he pulls back to catch his breath, a faint blush paints across your face, and your lips part; your speechless.

"that made you shut up pretty quickly," levi retorts, you scoff in return 

"whatever," you say, face flushed

you shift to the other side next to him and he wraps his arms around your waist and you tuck your head into the crook of his neck.

Levi calls out your name, and you notice the loose circles he draws on your shoulder

you hum in response.

"i love you,"

you glance up at him and notice a faint blush spread across his cheeks,

no way, he's actually blushing?

"i love you too," you respond,

the two of you spend the rest of the night in the warmth of each other. 

i feel like this was very rushed idk i gotta work on that anyway enjoy the next chapter🙀🙀🙀

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