A New Type of Massage: Levi x Reader (nsfw)

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More smut because it's my favorite to write for some reason, also shoutout to Abraham Lincoln for giving us a day off on Monday <3


"Ow," you groan out loud, rubbing your neck.

You've been working hellishly hard the past few days, and the lack of sleep is finally getting to you.

"See, I told you this would happen." Levi mumbles,

"Yeah, whatever." you roll your eyes.

It's true, he did warn you that not sleeping would have you aching everywhere but you didn't think he was serious.

Your neck hurts the most, you can't move it to the side unless you go slowly, like you're glitching or something.

You crouch down to the freezer in the kitchen and you dig through the frozen shit, trying to find ice packs- or a frozen bag of peas or something.

"What'd you do with the ice packs?" you moan, and Levi answers from somewhere in the living room.

"You literally popped them like last week, said you were curious or some shit."

"Oh. Yeah I did do that huh."

Fuck, okay, frozen peas it is.

You search harder but to no avail, you can't find anything and you push the freezer closed with a scoff, looks like you're going to have to deal with it.

Damn it, and you have to study for that stupid ass anatomy test, even though your entire body is sore, you'd rather deal with that than a failing grade. Oh well, no rest for the wicked apparently.

You drag yourself over to your room, prepared to study each centimeter of the human body despite how every inch of your being aches when you move.

"Are you studying? Take a nap first you look like shit." Levi remarks and you roll your eyes weakly, a nap does sound nice and you're almost a hundred percent sure you can pass that test without studying, hm. Maybe you will.

"Actually, you're right, I'll take a nap, holler if you need anything." you hum and he's shocked for a bit, he was expecting you to argue back or something.

Levi watches you wide-eyed as you disappear into your room, and he shrugs before going back to his routinely cleaning.

You change into something more comfortable before slipping under the covers, which for some reason feel warmer than usual but you're not complaining, if anything it just makes you feel cozier.

You shut your eyes but reopen them when you realize you forgot to turn the light off, but jesus you really, really, don't want to get up. You shut your eyes again, trying to ignore the light behind them but it's just not working.

"Levi." you mumble groggily but realize he can't hear you, "Levi!" You call once more and you hear him answer snappishly from the living room, "Come here!" You hear him groan before the door to your room opens, "What?" He frowns,

"Can you turn my light off?" You ask, still tired beyond comprehension, "Do it yourself." He grumbles and he's about to leave, "Wait, wait wait." You plead and he turns back around, "I don't wanna get up." You huff and Levi sighs deeply before going over to your desk and shutting the little lamp off, and you notice that he's wearing black latex gloves, he only wears them when he cleans, if you weren't so tired, you'd make some half assed flirty joke like always, something about how they accentuate the veins on his hands.

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