Thief: Thief Levi x Injured Reader (pt 2)

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Long chapter 😬, I might make another chapter like this but Levi's hurt instead bc I really wanna write that lmao, anyway I'm kinda proud of this chapter so enjoy 🫡

Your white button up, now stained red from your own blood, flaps in the wind as you soar through the sky, "Shit," you curse through gritted teeth as pain shoots across your stomach, You wipe your face to rid yourself of the splattered blood that's messing with your vision, you have only one destination in mind, you use up all the strength you have to get there, groans of agony escape your mouth as your other cuts start to sting and you begin to feel lightheaded, the straps of your ODM gear become more apparent on your skin and your limbs begin to ache.


You slip into a white button up and the first pair of black pants you can find, you roll up your sleeves to just under your elbow, you tighten the straps of your ODM gear onto your body, making sure they're secure and comfortable. The floorboards creek as you walk into the kitchen, you're met with a pair of steely eyes and a pair of oceany blue ones,

"It's almost noon you know?" Levi remarks, you've been sleeping in a lot lately due to all the jobs you've been doing, today is the last job you're taking before you take a week off. You flip him off in return, "Fuck off I'm tired," Furlan turns to face you, "I bet, you should take it easy, you've been taking a lot of jobs lately," he expresses his concern for you, "I'll be fine, this is my last one before my week off, so." You explain.

Marco had been nagging you about taking a week off for a while now, something about how "You're straining yourself too much," You figured you'd listen just to get him to shut up, "Whatever," Levi scoffs, "Your tea's over there," You drag yourself over to the extra cup of black tea, and you sit yourself down on the couch and you mutter your thanks to Levi as Marco comes in with a stack of paper, he plops down across from you with a long sigh, "Alright so," He starts as he peers up to look at you, Levi and Furlan shift their gazes to him, listening in on whatever your coming job is, "This is gonna sound insane, but" You cock an eyebrow.

"A couple of MPs want you to assassinate someone, Vance Cardwell, he overheard a conversation he wasn't supposed to hear, they said he's over in Temptest Bar as of right now, the only reason the MPs are coming to us for help, is because, and I quote, "We can't think of anyone else to go to," he says mockingly, "And I know this sounds risky, so if you don't feel comfortable doing it, then don't, the pay's insane though."

A job from the MPs? This is unbelievable, It could very well be a trap, but if it's not, you lose that insane amount of cash, and if it is, you can just wiggle out of it, maybe.

"No way," Levi interrupts, leaving no room for persuasion, "Too risky, you're not doing it,"

You scoff, "It's my life, I'll do what I want,"

Furlan's about to voice his opinion when Levi interrupts once more,

"So you're saying you actually want to do it?" he argues, knowing you're thinking the exact same thing he is, it is risky and sounds shady, but you'll be fine.

Furlan and Marco exchange weary glances as they stand by and watch the two of you argue,

"I'm not saying I won't either," You sneer, Levi stands abruptly and you clench your jaw in response, he crosses his arms, and you cross your legs and extend an arm on the back of the couch, you can faintly hear Furlan and Marco whispering in the background.

"You're being stupid," Levi bellows,

"Well now I'm gonna do it just to spite you," you fume

"I'm not letting you prance right into a trap"

Levi Ackerman One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora