My Love: Levi x Reader (Birthday Special)

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Today is December 25th, Christmas, but more importantly Levi's birthday, who cares about Christmas?

You've known Levi for as long as you can remember, and one thing he hates the most is receiving gifts, but you at least wanted to give him a little something, so yesterday, after all your duties with the Scouts were done, you sat in your chair and wrote him a letter to show him how much you care.


Levi loves you; he really does, you know what he likes, and what he doesn't, his life hasn't been easy. Ever since he could remember, he's always been busy and stressed, especially in the underground, Hell, he even forgot his own birthday once, but you, you've managed to bring him peace, and he loves you for that, he thinks you're the only person that could really understand him.

You've been extra nice to him today, supposedly because it's his birthday, you did all his paperwork for him- which isn't easy, made him tea, and you give him extra kisses every now and then.

Because you've done almost everything for him, he doesn't really have anything to do, the Cadets are done with training and have gone to dinner so Levi contently makes his way back to his quarters.

Once he reaches his door, he walks in and notices an envelope on his desk, it has a rose on top of it too. Curiously, he walks over and picks up the envelope, making sure to move the rose without damaging it. He sees your name on it, then looks a little lower,

To: Levi,

Carefully, he opens the envelope and pulls out a letter from inside, and he reads it, taking in each and every word,

My Dearest,

I know you said you don't like gifts, but I wanted to give you something, I'll start by saying Happy Birthday Levi, today is also Christmas, but to be honest, your day is more important to me. I remember the exact moment we met in the underground and how we used to be at each other's throats all the time, we would get into petty fights where Furlan and Isabel would have to separate us, even though they couldn't.

Levi chuckles at the memory,

I don't think I could ever live without you, us meeting was the best thing that's ever happened to me by a landslide, I don't even know how to tell you how much I love you; I could love you until my heart bursts, and when I'm not with you, all I can think about is when I'll see you next, you could simply be in the room next to me, yet I'd miss you terribly. I hope you'll let me love you forever.

I think that anyone who got to know you well enough would eventually fall in love with you, everyday I'm grateful that you let it be me. I could write forever and ever about how much I love you, but then I think I'd run out of room on this letter, but I love you Levi, I love your cold stare, I love your raven hair, your steely eyes- that I could look into forever, and I love it when I get to see a side of you only known to me.

Levi smiles unconsciously, damn, what have you done to him?

I'd like to think of you as my moon, you came into my life and illuminated the dark parts of it, and every time I see you, I can't help but wonder how I got so lucky, I don't think I'm whole without you, Levi, you are light in itself to me.

Levi blinks hard, he feels heat pushing at the back of his eyes, is he- crying?

I could be in the mouth of a titan, yet you'd still be at the forefront of my mind. If you call for me, I'll come, no matter where I am, whether it be at the bottom of the ocean, or at the other side of the planet, I'll come, because I love you. My happiness is to be near you. I'd fight every titan out there if it meant I could spend just another second with you. I've been reduced to something that only craves you, my sleepless nights are spent thinking about you. I love everything about you, I don't even know how many times I've said that already, but it's true. I understand that when you grew up in the underground, you came from nothing, you're strong Levi, very strong, I admire you for that.

I know that you have a difficult time expressing emotions, and you hate feeling vulnerable, but Levi, my dear, you've opened up to me, and that's the best thing I could ever ask for. I promise to be by your side until the day I die, I don't even know how I managed to function before I met you. I hope that you feel solace in pouring out your deepest thoughts to me. You're so unbelievably perfect, I love how caring you truly are, and I love how when I'm next to you at night, in the security of your arms, I can hear your heartbeat gently thudding against my own. Sometimes I find myself wondering how you are even real.

If I suddenly lost the ability to speak, I'd spend every hour of the day writing to you. Thank you, Levi, for letting me experience what it's like to truly fall in love with someone. After I die, I'd spend the next life searching for you, and when I die in that life, I'd do the exact same thing in the next.

Yeah, Levi is definitely crying now, his lips part as he continues to read on,

I know this letter is long, but I hope you will continue to read.

I need you like the Earth needs a moon to light up the ground we walk on. You make me so unbelievably happy, and anytime we get into petty fights, I find myself regretting it the second it happens, because I'd do anything for you, I'd take a thousand shots to the head, and a thousand stabs to the heart, if it meant happiness for you, from the very bottom of my heart, Levi, Happy Birthday, and I love you for eternity.

You sign your name at the bottom and it's only then that Levi realizes just how many tears are falling down his cheeks, he's never been one to cry, but you- you draw it out of him.

Levi stares at your note until a gentle knock at his door breaks him out of his trance. He knows it's you behind that door. He practically teleports to the door and rips it off its hinges, and before he knows it, he's wrapping his arms around you so tightly he doesn't even think you can breathe.

You're confused for a second, but then you let your arms slither around his waist, "I'm guessing you read my letter," you chuckle softly and you feel Levi exhale shakily, before answering, "Yeah, I did,"

You hear a little bit of shakiness in his voice and pull back a little, "Are you ok?" you ask genuinely, and Levi pulls back to let you into his room, he shuts the door behind him, "Are you- crying?" you sputter, "Shit, I'm sorry, I-" Levi's lips against your own stop you from saying anything else. His lips dance with yours, and he kisses you like he has all the time in the world,

He pulls back slightly, "You idiot," he says almost like he's laughing and you smile before taking in his lips once more. His hands slide from your hips to your neck and he angles his head slightly to kiss you better. His tongue sweeps across your lower lip, and soon enough, your tongues are dancing with each other.

After a while of him kissing you in the middle of his quarters he pulls back, "I love you." he whispers looking you directly in your eyes, you ignore the blush growing on your cheeks, "I love you too, Happy Birthday."

Levi falls asleep with you in his arms, and he wouldn't have had it any other way.


Merry Christmas to those that celebrate! And I hope you like this little fluff chapter in honor of mr cleans birthday 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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