Troubles: Levi x Injured Athlete Reader

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That bitch.

She basically ruined your fucking life, all because she couldn't handle a loss.

Ever since middle school you were always on some sort of team, whether it be wrestling or God damn baseball, but in your freshman year of high school, you stuck with football for whatever reason, it was fun and you didn't have to wear those bulky chest plate things.

You got into college with a football scholarship and you played for their team, and they were surprisingly good, great even. You got along with your teammates, you trained hard, and you put your whole soul into football, it was one of the only things you loved.

Your physical health was important, you had to stay fit, healthy, etc. and any injuries you had needed to be tended to asap. Making wise decisions on the field was important too, never risk your health in a game, and never, ever, endanger someone else.

But apparently that didn't apply to Traute fucking Caven.

You made the winning touchdown, someone tackled you in the process, and you kind of trampled over them but you made the touchdown without getting a yellow card. That someone was Traute.

Right after you made the touchdown, you kind of celebrated to yourself and that pissed Traute off and she came over and tackled you again, but instead of getting up after, she started punching you, and obviously you fought back. You tried to just get her off you at first but that just resulted in you two rolling around on the floor, and eventually you started throwing hits too, you bruised her lip, gave her a black eye and a bloody nose. She tried to roll you off of her but the angle was weird and you suffered an injury. Your ACL tore.

You howled out in pain, it almost sounded like you were being murdered, your scream was somewhere in between pain and sorrow, in that moment you knew your knee would most likely never be the same, and you didn't know if you could keep playing football.

Your coach managed to pull Traute off of you as she screamed curses at you to which you replied, "I'll beat the fucking shit out of you bitch!"

A little vulgar, yes, but she deserved it. She tore your ACl, out of all things. You'll never be the same, you can never play at this level again, you're fucked. You hate Traute, you're taking your hatred for her to the fucking grave.

Your boyfriend- Levi, was there with you in a heartbeat, he stayed by your side in the hospital for as long as you could remember, he listened to you cry, curse, and sob.

That was two weeks ago, and you've been recovering since, Levi let you know that they pulled Traute off the opposing team, permanently, and you can't say you feel sorry, when you're feeling better you're definitely beating the ever-living hell out other.

"Thinking about hounding Traute again?"

You look up, "Maybe," you scowl.

You're on crutches and Levi's been watching over you, making sure you're doing okay, you're so, so grateful for him, you'd be rolling around on the floor plotting your revenge on Traute if it weren't for him.

"You can do that when you're better," He hums, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "Levi, I'll never be able to play again, or at least not at the same level, what the hell am I supposed to do now?" You exhale.

Levi hates seeing you like this, hearing you say you basically have no purpose, the never-ending look of sadness and defeat on your face makes his heart wrench every time.

Levi calls your name and you turn to look at him, he takes your face into his hands, "I promise that you'll be able to play again." He states, sounding so confident you wonder if he can see into the future.

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