Suffocating: Levi x panic attack reader

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Your whole squad was dead.

You left Marcus in charge of your squad while you were with Erwin and Levi, as per Erwin's request. The Female Titan had ran right through your squad, turning them into red stains on the grass. It's not fair, why are you the only survivor? If you had stayed with them would things have turned out differently? Fuck, you feel dizzy. They were great kids, smart, strong, dedicated, and full of ambition, they were strong soldiers, so why? They didn't deserve to go out the way they did, they were young too, had a whole life ahead of them, and now they're gone, just like that.

Your train of thought is interrupted when you hear Hange calling your name, "You alright? You've been standing in front of your horse for at least five minutes, we can go back to our quarters now," Her hand rests on your shoulder, and she gives you a look of sympathy, You wipe the depressed look off your face, "Ah, I'm fine, I was spaced out, probably just tired, I'll be fine though don't worry," you assure, your face neutral.

"You call me if you need anything okay doll!" Her hand falls off your shoulder and she waves at you as you lead your horse back into the stables.


Your eyebrows knit together and you close the gate of your horse's stable, you turn around to walk back to your quarters, you can hear the faint sound of leaves crunching underneath your boots, the wind blows through your hair as you pinch the bridge of your nose, letting an aggravated groan slip out of your mouth.



You shut the door of your room behind you, your hand shoots to the ledge of your desk in an attempt to stabilize yourself, on the walk here, you realized just how dizzy you were.

Shit, I need to sit down.

Your other hand flies to the edge of the desk, both hands gripping the ledge like your life depends on it. You can't breathe, and your chest feels tight, You whip your head up and with frantic eyes, you try to find a comfortable place to sit down.

My bed-

You try to move, but for some fucked up reason, your body won't listen, you start to break out into a cold sweat, and you notice how your hands are shaking the entire desk and how fatigued you feel. Your hands are gonna give out any second now, you whip your head up so fast you swear you could feel your brain rattle against your skull. You try to resist hunching over and you move onto your forearms and try to keep your head stable, your breathing has become erratic, you try to distract yourself by watching the sand in the hourglass on your desk fall, to your demise, it just makes you extremely anxious. Your eyes dart around the room to find anything else to distract yourself with, your head is pounding and everything is moving in a blur.

The hair on the back of your neck stands up, and goosebumps erupt all over your arms and legs, you still have your uniform on, and you muster up the strength to untie your cloak, your fingers struggle against the knot for a quick second, and finally, the cloak falls to the ground. You hadn't realized how dry your throat had become from all the heavy breathing you've been doing.

You feel hyperaware as shit, you can feel your own skin and it's making you want to scream, you can also feel the way your clothes feel on your body, and how tight the straps of your ODM gear feel, you're deprived of any warmth, you feel tingly all over. Your shivers are quickly replaced with hot flashes, you can feel your knees about to buckle, your forearms are still braced on your desk and you're still huffing and puffing.

You get waves of sadness, frustration, exhaustion, and every other feeling on this planet. For some reason, you get the feeling that your life is in danger, which doesn't make sense because you're in your quarters, there are no titans, no lowly thieves, nothing like that, so why do you feel like frail prey? You close your mouth in an attempt to regain the moisture that had left you.

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