Get Down: Submissive Levi x Dominant Reader (nsfw)

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Exams are finally are over.

Exam week is easily the worst week of the entire year, sleepless nights, taking tests while running off of hopes and dreams- and cups of coffee, it all sucks ass.

You and Levi have been roommates for a little over a year now, and the second you two got home from your last final, both of you had spent the entire day is some sort of coma.

But even though they're over, the test scores are what really matter, you have no choice but to pass- preferably with flying colors.

"Same time," You remind Levi, who's also sitting on your bed with you. Both of you are in the same major, and for the final, instead of it being a casual test, it was a semester long project, and you'd made a bet on whoever gets the highest score, receives some type of "award" from the loser, like cash or something.

"Yeah, yeah" he huffs, and you roll your eyes as you tap open your grades, you swipe open the one project, ignoring all your other passing grades, and you hover over the project grade.

Levi sets his phone down in between you two, you do the same.

"Okay, you're not allowed to cheat-"

"Dumbass, how would I be able to cheat?"

"You'd find a way," you glare at him.

"Alright, three, two,"

On one, you and Levi open the score simultaneously.

"Oh, fuck you!"

two points. He scored higher than you by two damn points. You got a ninety-six, he got a ninety-eight.

"Bullshit," you grumble,

"Numbers don't lie,"

You take back your phone and groan, "He give you comments?" You shut your phone off as Levi swipes around, "Yeah, here," you shift closer to him to see his phone, you read the comments the professor left, "excellent grammar with outstanding explanations, best-" you sigh, "best project yet," You roll your eyes, "He's licking your shoes,"

"Well, I am the best," he shrugs, "Are you now?" you cock a brow,

"You should know," he shuts his phone off and returns his gaze back to you, "Well," you huff, "I guess a deals a deal,"

"I'll take your right arm, thanks." he deadpans and you chuckle, "I've got something better," you coo and Levi's heart skips a beat, and before he knows it, you're close- really close, and your lips are pressed against his. Without thinking, his hands slide up your thighs and rest on your waist, his touch is so featherlight, it feels like he's burning you.

Your hands travel up to his neck and he knows his face is turning red. This isn't the first time you've kissed him- and vice versa, but every time your lips touch, it's like he's kissing you for the first time all over again, shit, he can't get enough of you.

You break off to breathe, but you're back on him in a second, and Levi grunts silently, the sound makes your stomach do flips. You want more-more.

With your lips still on his, you crawl over so that you're straddling him, and he's under you. His hands on your waist pull you in and you subconsciously grind over him, it makes him exhale through his nose, and it takes everything in him to not rip off all of your clothes. You're so irresistible.

Levi's hands slip under your shirt and the skin-to-skin contact makes you shiver; the back of your shirt has started to lift a little but you don't care in the slightest. One of Levi's hands leave your waist just so that he can shut off the unnecessarily bright light next to the bed, leaving just the small lamp on his desk to illuminate the room.

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