Carmilla/Odette/Clara with a reader who wears headbands with horns to match them

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Pairings: Carmilla, Odette, and Clara with a reader that wears horn headbands (reader is the youngest child in the family)

(Small headcannons)

Requested by anonymous on tumblr

Chapter Text


-She finds it adorable. She loves having you wear those little headbands, you just too cute in them!

-She also doesn't have any horns, her hair is just put up like that, so you two have something in common or similar to each other, you both wear or put something to act like you have horns.

-She probably bought you a small pair when you were younger at some cheap store since you wanted it, but after seeing how often you'd wear them, she started to buy you better ones, more sturdy and longer lasting, and in any color you want.

-She does always remind you that you look gorgeous even without your horn headbands, and that it didn't matter how you looked, you're always part of the family.


-She finds it adorable too. She loves the fact you're trying to copy her and look like her.

-She seems like the type of person to help you decorate or help you with the horns, and even make personal horn headbands for you that look like her actual horns.

-She definitely starts a small competition between her and her sister of which horns you like the best, she's always trying to beat her sister and makes you as much headbands as she can that looks like her horns.

-By the looks of it she's a teenager. So she's definitely got some other teen friends, and if their over at her house (which is rare since I doubt Carmilla would let other teens over), and if they make fun of you for your headband and tell you to "grow up", then she'll talk them Off and kick them out, and then comfort you afterwords


-She thinks they're cute, but probably won't express it often. She seems like the type of person who's more closed off and serious?

-Though either way she definitely loved having you trying to copy her, she thinks that she's a great role model for you, and having you want to look like her too? It's felt great

-She definitely joins in the small competition with her sister, replacing the headbands she makes for you with hers, she just thinks her horns look better on you.

-She'll comfort you too if anyone has done you wrong by saying your a baby for still wearing headbands, she'll speak to her mother about after too, she wants this problem resolved not make it worse.

A/n: I hope this is okay! I don't know much about the daughters and I'll have to more research! Sorry this request took a while too!

Hazbin hotel x reader oneshots! And headcannons!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant