"Little Doe"- fluff

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Yandere Alastor x doe! Fem child reader

An: not a request but an idea I had while in school! I'm still rusty since it's been like- 7 weeks since I last posted but I hope you enjoy!

Sorry if it's bad! I am still rusty on writing and Alastor is difficult to write for

The great and powerful radio demon was taking his usual stroll around the streets of Pentagram city. As usual, demons were freaking out at his presence, some even taking pictures of him only to have their screens shut off. Alastor kept his usual smile as he walked, nodding at a few ladies he passed by, who giggled when he left. In the way to the hotel, he heard a bleat like noise, causing his ears to perk up.

Usually, he's not sometime to go after someone who's hurt, but he couldn't ignore this one. It felt like an instinct. Even if he didn't have those mother deer urges, he still had an instinct to protect the creature that made the bleat. He walked over to the area, came/microphone in hand and stopped at the scene, raising his brows, keeping his smile.

He saw four, shark like sinners picking on a young, fawn female. You. You were a young, small, maybe about 8 years old, and helpless in the grasps of the shark sinners. You had tears in your eyes, opened wounds from the attacks, bruises on you limbs. Alastors eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke up. 'Why what seems to be going on here?" Alastor says in his normal cheery tone.

"None of your fucking business, now beat it" one of the shark sinners snarled, tugging on your deer ears. You let out a whimper, closing you eyes tight, you were scared, in pain, and so confused on why they were doing this.

Alastor let's put an amused chuckle, and didn't move from his spot. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. And trust me..." some green sparks rose around him, his voice more stadicky "you don't want to choose the hard way"

The shark sinners seemed to get the message, letting go of the fawn, but still trying to act tough." Yea-well. How do we know you're tellin the truth? What if ya bluffing?"

Alastor let's put a small 'hmm' sound and shrugged. "I suppose that is what one mag think, but I am not bluffing. I don't tolerate fools like you harming a young lady." Alastor informed and walked closer. "So I suggest you make your way out of here before I make you."

The shark sinners looked at each other for a minute before scoffing and walking away. Alastors smile grew bigger, then he looked at your trembling form. "Now now my dear,  don't be afraid. I'm not here to cause you any harm." He said with a happy tone "what might your name be Young lady?"

You muster up the courage to look at him, your innocent eyes averting from his "[n-name]" you say in a slightly shaky soft tone.

Alastor chuckled and spoke "[Name]? What a wonderful name little fawn." He held his hand out for you to take "if you don't already know me, I am Alastor. The pleasure is mine of meeting you" he said bright and loud. Which gave you slight reassurance. No one in hell is this happy, and that made you feel better when Alastor was happy. Alastor crouched down and checked your body for any wounds, which he found a few.

"It seems that you are injured! Why don't you allow me to help heal you? The hotel is just a little ways" he offered. You know you shouldn't say yes to strangers, especially not dangerous ones, but for some reason he seemed genuine, and comforting. The only smiling face in hell you've seen so far. So you nod. "Wonderful! Now let us go my dear" he carefully scooped you into his arms. Carrying you small body. You relax a little in his arms, as he takes you to some hotel he was talking about. You're not sure if you should trust him, but you feel like you should. Even if you didn't know what could happen when you do arrive.

Hazbin hotel x reader oneshots! And headcannons!!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें