𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃

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y. horus x reader

"Horus would frown at that, Y/N." You groaned, the grating voice of your brother sounding behind you. "Would the god of the sky, and the ruler of Egypt really smite his poor servant?"

Abasi huffed from his position in bed, his dark, unruly hair fluttering over his dark, tanned skin. Your brother followed Horus as a devoted follower, and all the pharaoh's followers were on a mission to find the six fragments of Horus's left eye. Your brother was included in this, but he was unable to leave the house, overwhelmed by disease.

Set, the god of the sky's brother, had removed his eye in a battle over the throne. The god of chaos had lost to Horus in the end, but the sky god had lost all six senses, each part of his eye representing a different sense. You had been tracking each piece down, almost dying multiple times in the process.

Th only reason you went after these fragments was because Horus's eye would grant you the one thing you desired most: medicine and healing for your brother. Abasi had been sick since he was born, and you've been taking care of him ever since your parents abandoned you. He was paralyzed from the waist down and was so weak that even the wind would snap him in half.

"Abasi, I already told you why I'm doing this, so don't patronize me." Your brother only groaned, lying back in bed. You'd do anything to heal him, and Horus had the assets to heal any ailment, since he was a god and born from the goddess of healing. He could also keep anyone alive, granting near immortality because his father was the god of the afterlife.

If you presented him with his eye, then he would surely grant you a favor, right? He had no sense of sight, smell, touch, taste, or hearing, that was unless someone had already found the other pieces of his eye and returned them to him. It was said that each fragment represented one of the body's senses, so even if Horus only had a few fragments of his eye, he could function somewhat normally.

Horus was currently only able to rule Egypt through other gods or deities who aided him and handled what he couldn't. You were sure that everyone would rejoice in the restoration of Horus, the god being a shell of what he used to be, once you gave him his eye back. Abasi would also be more than pleased because he followed Horus like a lost puppy, only because he was the only hope in his life.

Horus was a symbol of hope to everyone, and he was revered more than any other god before. He was the god of the great sky, who saved all of Egypt from the oppressive rule of Set, his uncle, who also took his eye.

You had already found four of the six pieces of Horus's missing eye. Two were obtained in the form of illegal trade, the other two found in Set's tomb and pyramid. You had traded away things you could never get back and had lost a part of yourself in the process.

Set's pyramid had a maze of traps that were beyond difficult to get through, but you were swift, light on your feet, and skilled in the art of evading projectiles and threats. You had good reflexes, but you had to in order to survive living in the slums of Egypt, alone, often defenseless, and as a thief.

You had scars to prove that you had obtained two thirds of Horus's eye, but it was all for your brother, the only thing or person you had in life. You were devoted to him and keeping him as healthy as possible, stealing food, water, clothing, and whatever else he asked for.

Abasi raised his arm above his head, his hand reaching towards the ceiling. "Y/N, why is life so destitute and cruel?"

You froze, and turned towards him, leaving behind your task of getting ready for the day. "Abasi, life can be horrible, but as long as we have each other, everything will be fine, right?" Your brother smiled, his (e/c) eyes crinkling at the side as he smiled at you.

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