𝐹𝑜𝓇𝒷𝒾𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝒯𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓊𝓇𝑒

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y. merman x reader

It was only natural that Cove found you to be beautiful. You were a shining pearl lost in a sea of grime and muck. He didn't ever mean to encounter you, wanting to stay as far as he could from any polluting humans, but he couldn't help himself once he caught a glimpse of your form.

The island where he and some of his fellow mermen lived was better than most other places but was still filled to the brim with people and trash. Cove supposed that it was better to live in a slightly tropical area with less pollution than near the garbage patches clustered around higher populations.

He only wanted to scope out the damage of the humans who inhabited the sea around him, not expecting to catch an interest in you. While he couldn't very well end world and ocean pollution, he could at least build evidence for his case against humans.

Cove was an outcast mermaid, one of the only ones wanting to solve the human problem in a violent way. Some of the others sided with him, and they were sent away from their homes, forced into joined isolation.

If all the mermaids joined forces, they could summon the wrath of the seven seas and cleanse the disease of humanity, but most were too gentle and oblivious to do anything but live their shining peaceful lives.

His main focus was getting more mermaids to his side, at least that was until he saw you. He poked his head above the waves, aiming to observe the destructive people on the island he lived nearby. Much to his surprise, he found a young teenage human picking up trash and scolding people who were careless of their waste.

Your (h/c) hair flew behind you wildly as you shook your head. Using your bare hands, you picked up more pieces of garbage, (e/c) eyes occasionally cast out to sea. Cove ducked before you could catch sight of him, surprised by both your manner and care for the ocean.

A human who cared about pollution? Cove thought it was abstract and unheard of for a human to try and fix the pollution problem, but there you were. He observed you more as you continued your scavenging and found himself drawn closer to you.

You were none the wiser to his presence, focused on your task: making the beach just a tad bit cleaner every day you could. Now that you had filled a few bags of trash and reprimanded some people, you could swim in the ocean with just a little more peace of mind. 

It was a habit for you at this point. Clean the beach first, try and convince people that pollution was a major problem, then find peace in the ocean, one of the only places that you could feel free.

You loved the ocean; it was like a second home to you. It was beautiful and filled with mystery, but it was quickly being corrupted by the raging population and waste of the world. It was depressing how little change you had made to people's opinions on the matter, but you were only one person after all. It was the least you could do after all the oceans had done for you.

The waves were a sanctuary, a stronghold protecting you from both your parents and the spoiled brats who thought your cause for ending pollution was a farce. Your parents despised you at worst, tolerated you at best, so it was only natural that you had a place to hide from it all. The beach also served as a barrier, that kept the mean and vicious other kids from bullying you.

While you swam in the ocean, your curious (e/c) eyes scanning beneath the waves every chance you got, Cove came closer, still sticking far enough away that you couldn't see him. He watched as you swam with grace and passion through the water, love and interest the only emotions he could sense from you.

Though he hadn't had much exposure to humans, he thought them to be nothing better than the trash humans dumped into the ocean. You were special though; he knew that as soon as he saw you. You cared for the ocean, for his home. You were a beauty in a land full of ugliness.

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