𝒩𝑒𝓀𝑜 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒

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y. neko x reader 

Just keep a low profile, and maybe he'll lose interest. That was what you hoped at least. Your needy, intelligent, and energetic neko had developed feelings for you, dangerous ones at that. At first, right after you had adopted him, he was beyond wary of you, but that quickly changed when you let him get comfortable and didn't force him to do anything he didn't want to.

Oliver soon realized that you didn't want to hurt him, but just wanted to care for him and give him a space where he could be himself. He wasn't used to kindness, being abused and used for wealth and money, his unique appearance and features garnering unwanted attention.

As a neko, he was highly sought after by many wealthy people, being used to show off to other rich people. Oliver didn't know much love, being abandoned by his mother from birth, passed from greedy hands into abusing ones time and time again.

You were different though, you only wanted him to be comfortable. You let him sleep anywhere, eat his meals alone, and gave him access to your spacious yard. As time passed, the neko viewed you as his protector, his savior, though those feelings of adoration soon warped into romantic love.

His affections at first, at least to you, were seen as gratefulness and friendship, but his behavior soon changed for the worse. He began trying to please you by killing mice, birds, and bringing you things he had found from either the neighbor's yard or somewhere else in the area.

Then Oliver went about making you feel his affection, laying across your lap, holding your hand, and sneaking into your bed at night. You ignored it, knowing the pain that he had experienced in the past likely influenced his decisions.

While you weren't fully wrong, you weren't completely correct either. Oliver did love you because of the pain of his past, but he also knew your secret, the one you had been desperately trying to keep. He only found out while digging through your closet, smelling your clothes in order to memorize your scent.

He knew that your scent was unique and somewhat familiar to him, but he never thought much about it, not till he really analyzed your smell. You smelled like a female neko, he realized. He had been around a female neko once, and it was brief, his rich owners not allowing the two to interact.

How could this be, though? You didn't have ears or a tail that he had seen yet, but you smelled like female of his kind. Oliver, now that he knew you were a neko, loved you even more for it. You could be his mate, his lifetime partner now!

He was going to make you his mate anyways, but since you were a neko, he knew just how to attract you. He ventured to where he saw you last, the kitchen. You were standing over the stove, making seared salmon, a pan of sizzling vegetables to the side of the fish.

You always made him meals that involve fish since it was a delicacy for nekos, but you also added human parts to it. Oliver could only smile happily because you really were perfect for him. He snuck up to you, light on his feet as always, and wrapped his arms around your waist, his fluffy black tail swishing behind him slowly.

You were startled by his sudden touch, not hearing him approach, but quickly went back to focusing on cooking dinner for you and him. While you accepted his affections early on, his recent invasiveness was really starting to worry you and you planned on addressing that tonight.

Oliver tilted his head, trying to find the words to speak. He wanted to reveal that he knew your secret, but he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You flinched under his touches, and gently tried to remove his arms, "Oliver, can you go sit at the table? I'll bring the food over in a sec."

The neko male frowned at your indirect rejection of his affections but sat at the dinner table anyways. He watched intently as you placed the salmon on two plates, pacing the vegetables next to the fish shortly after.

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