𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒢𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒹𝒾𝒶𝓃

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The yandere in this one will be female :)

y. griffin x male reader

"You know how loyal griffins are, she won't take well to another rider." Y/N was stroking his griffin's feathers, while talking to his fellow partner, Minx. The female next to him frowned, her eyes rolling, "Y/N, we need you to lead the tribe, not fly to your death on a griffin."

Y/N huffed, (h/c) strands of hair blown from his face. He was supposed to be leading the Kion Tribe since he was technically the chief's son, but he felt that he was obligated to fight for his people. He was one of the best fighters and griffin riders to ever be known, and everyone wanted him to sit back and watch people die.

Minx placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head. She was a griffin trainer and rider, grooming the beasts into shape and taming them. She flew into battle alongside Y/N, but she was tired of seeing him put himself in danger when he was needed by everyone.

"Y/N, your father needs your help to lead everyone, and they all look up to you. If you don't lead them, no one will." The two fell into silence, Y/N still grooming his griffin's feathers. "Minx, we need to end the conflict with the Demos Tribe, and the only way to do that is to capture their chief, who fights alongside his people!"

Minx glared at Y/N, "Stop trying to prove something to everyone by risking your life! We need you here, not on the battlefield." The female turned, then stomped away, her black hair flying furiously behind her. Y/N groaned, shaking his head as he watched the green-eyed girl walk away.

He'd stopped petting his griffin, and she nipped at his fingers, her beak gentle, but demanding attention. Y/N laughed, smiling at the beast, "At least you understand me, Leona."

Almost as if the creature understood his words, she nuzzled her face into his hand, seeking both to comfort and get attention from her rider and master.

 Leona, his griffin, had the front legs, wings and head of a bald eagle, and the body, hind legs, and tail of a lion. She was a huge creature who was fiercely loyal, protective, powerful, and stubborn. Y/N had managed to tame her in under a few months, but not without the struggle. Leona had fought Y/N at every corner when they had first gotten her.

She was found with a broken wing, and he was only trying to help her, though the griffin certainly didn't see it that way. Over time, the harder Y/N tried, the more Leona fought against him. It was only when Y/N fell asleep in one of the pastures that Leona approached him.

She nudged around him and prepared to attack him but found that he was of no harm to her and laid down beside him. The griffin's relationship with Y/N only grew when he woke up and began grooming her feathers, soothing the beast greatly. Since then, the two had a mutual trust in each other, though some of the other griffin riders would say that Leona was fiercely protective of her rider, something slightly unusual for the creature.

Y/N and Leona had their own language and were very close, having absolute trust in each other. Leona swished her tail and stomped one of her clawed feet against the ground impatiently, meaning that she wanted food. It was her way of showing her hunger, and it was a gesture only Y/N understood.

The male laughed, "Alright, alright, girl. I'll get you some of your favorites." Y/N disappeared for a few minutes, gathering his griffin's food. Her diet usually consisted of raw meat, btu Leona had begun to fancy cows in particular.

Y/N tossed a slab of meat into the griffin's stall, chuckling at how Leona swished her tail like an excited dog. He petted her gently on top of the head, then turned away, heading out of the griffin's stable to retire for the night.

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