We wandered for hours. I stuck my nose in every broom closet and unlocked room, since I had no idea how the armoury should look like or where they'd put it. The clueless sprite was of no help either. At least it was having fun destroying the fully furnished rooms I've left behind.

I'd come across so much luxury in the shiny, spotless facilities. There was so much of everything. Neatly stacked shelves of food, uniforms, towels, linen, trinkets I had no name for. It would have set me up for life... All of us. If only he left the city intact. A part of it. Smallest one. That distant street by the wall. Why did he even check the shitty part of town? There was barely anyone! Just several handfuls of unfortunates.

I had no use for any of it now. Slammed the door and ceiling bestowed shower of concrete upon me. It was all his fault. He did this.

When the bounty was finally discovered I was beyond exhausted. It had to have been at least night on the surface, if not whole other day. Whoever built this base was compensating for something. Survivability? Point in fact, my vitality disproportionately dwarfed that scrawny ass I sported.

Armoured entrance did not stop the fire fiend from checking. I peeked in too. Before I could get over my awe of finally finding this secluded place an explosion rapped, followed by dozens of little pops. Sparks whizzed through the air.

Instead of crouching down like a sensible person I crossed my arms and shouted at the fire man who was joyfully licking the tall ceiling, "Changed your mind about keeping me alive now that you got your toys?"

There was no way to tell if otherworldly creatures had concept of a bargain. Best to keep the incentive alive, "I'll show more once you lead me to the... other mouth."

The abashed blaze marginally subsided. Rustling attempted speech but barely audible words were too muffled by countless racks of firearms. It couldn't be important anyway.

Did I know any other bases? No. Could I point in a random direction and hope to never come across this fireball again? Sure. Likely won't even need to worry about that if things go right. I had no reason to survive the coming encounter. There only ever was us or them. And now I was all alone. I was ready to watch other cities get razed to the ground if need be.

"Gimme some time, okay? Gonna pick up some toys too!" I shouted towards the warm oranges at the other end of the room. Lights still worked in this structurally sound area, but the racks cast a lot of darkness. Shadows jumped up around the creature in lieu of audible answer.

Considered picking up a gun for the journey. Even forgetting the fact I didn't know how to use them, they all seemed clunky and would be in the way during the trek. My strength has always been stealth and speed. Not that I could outrun a determined monster.

I walked past the half-emptied isles of increasingly bigger weapons when those abruptly ended. Back of the hall was crates. Munitions. Some as big as my forearm. Some bigger. Walls had shelves with smaller boxes for presumably grenades. Order was disturbed everywhere I looked. A lot of containers were opened and strewn about. Nothing seemed to be effective against Great No-Longer-Asleep Brain.

Except that one thing, at least marginally. This would be perfect gift to the snail. Perhaps exactly what it needed to gain an upper hand.

I began checking contents frantically until finally coming across a tightly sealed packaging. I relentlessly clawed at it. I was after pinkish canisters. There was no way I could forget those.

Box popped open and chunky bulk revealed only two containers inside. I huffed. That's not nearly enough to take out a monster of monumental proportions. I emptied crate of hurtful calibre and fit sixteen death cloud flasks. Then couldn't lift it. World always had to be cruel to my plans.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Where stories live. Discover now