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I stopped to drink at another little brook, snacked on sour wild apples – then had a stomach ache and refused to complain about it. Was ready to discard the oozing ill-fitting shoes, but thinking of some distant future where I'd find pavement again, didn't.

Road was buried under the grass and brush so thoroughly we could have turned around and I wouldn't have known it. Maybe even strayed on purpose once or twice – some sights were surprisingly alluring. Upon closer inspection during one of these times, the black shrubbery looked like anything but what it appeared from afar. And they moved when observed. The marshland suddenly gave me two sinking feelings.

"Are we still on the right path?" I asked after a long while of uncontested peace.

Monster assured me that we were and I sidled closer to the known evil. That may or may not have been strongly influenced by some of the bushes taking on human and animal shapes. If I never saw the great outdoors again it would be too soon.

Forced to ignore the haunting beauty all around, I turned my attention back onto the monster walking by my side. The hood was pulled up again and I found myself relieved. I knew what was beneath it, I knew this hidden state was his full appearance, but something at the back of my mind still compelled me to imagine human features underneath.

My fingers felt the rough texture of his skin-coat and I looked down to find myself gripping crook of monster's arm. Chewed my lip. I was far too impulsive and physical for self-restraint when it came to other people. Let go, watching my hand lazily drop down and brush rest of the sleeve in the process.

His fingers flexed and caught mine at the last moment. I looked up but there was no expression to tell me what he could be thinking. I held on wordlessly. There were no waves of unreasonable pleasure, but the contact was still nice. Comforting. And load-bearing, as I soon came to find out after tripping over a submerged root.

"Do you want to be carried?" he snarled out but it wasn't unkind.

"Oh, god, yes please," I muttered exhaustedly and threw my full weight into demon's arms without glint of shame. I was so sick of slogging through mud. Walking was never my calling. And I had to have some pride in first place to be abashed by my actions. What was I even trying to prove yesterday?

Demon hummed looking dead ahead, "Too bad you're too capable of doing everything on your own."

This sly devil! I grinned and feigned dying. Twisted towards the sky with elbow over the eyes to cry, "I was so young and stupid then!" Then barked out meshing the words together, "Also it is all your fault for being sensitive mountain flower, your guy would have dropped me off like yesterday." And I wasn't even exaggerating for once.

Demon's ticking growl switched up as if reluctantly conceding. He bent down and scooped me up onto his forearm just like before. I melted onto noticeably warming chest. Finally, some rest. I hadn't even noticed this headache before. I could nap. The fact that my face was pressing against rough leather which I held back from touching for what seemed forever kept my eyes wide open.

The fleshy layer underneath didn't writhe nor was there any soft prickling. For once he stayed well within his own skin. How... lamentable. I was effectively limiting his senses, which probably wasn't fair on my part. But boundaries were nice. Not everybody granted me that gift.

I stared at his hooded head again and to both of our surprise my hand ended up flying towards it. I knew demon was caught off-guard because I heard the flesh rearrange as if by instinct and still a split second later. I froze up too, moving only after the panic subsided.

"Tell me if I'm doing something wrong," I whispered and carefully prodded absence of face again.

"You're not letting me repair you," monster hissed back just as quietly and his facial maw cracked open. I landed one fingertip on a tooth.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Where stories live. Discover now