Chapter Sixty Three: Caught in the Spider's Web

Start from the beginning

Gracie didn't look to see if her words had hurt him. She put all her anger in over the past few hours, all her rage, and most of all—all her pain into her spell work. The smaller spiders took each other out which left the largest Scurriour and her.

With precise, careful movements under seven glittering eyes, Gracie drew out the sword from the satchel and faced her fifth creature. It showed no remorse for the dead humans around them nor for any sadness for its dead comrades. These magical creatures were loners despite the fact that spiders worked in colonies.

It's black and honey, veined torso rattled with anticipation. Ominis stood next to her with his wand drawn and blatant dislike on his face. For the spider or her—she wasn't sure. Maybe it was equal.

"Any ideas?" He asked curtly, another flame spell on the tip of his tongue.

Gracie scoured her mind.

Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Dark creatures.


The Venomous Scurriour is a large breed of Acromantula, or giant magical species of spiders that were originally bred to guard dwellings. This breed of spider was first spotted in 1794 and has a particular taste for human flesh. The Scurriours are as the name suggests venomous, but its venom became more lethal the longer it's infused in the target over time. A Wiggenweld potion can stop the poison from doing further damage, but it would take blood replenishing potions to cleanse the blood.

The best way to approach this breed of Acromantula is to cast the Knock back Jinx. The knock back jinx will rip these spiders out of the ground when they start to burrow which will do great damage to them.

Gracie slashed the sword against air, narrowly dodging the chelicerae dripping venom. She looked to Ominis who was trying to hurt the creature without killing it. Warning flames cautioned it to back away.

"The knock back jinx! Cast it!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Stop asking questions and do it!" Gracie snapped, dodging another strike from the venomous creature.

"They were made for each other." Ominis grumbled, partially under his breath before aiming his wand in the direction of the spider whose fangs kept snapping towards her, "Flipendo!"

Gracie threw a cast of magic against the ground, forcing the explosion to lift her into the air. She ended up on the abdomen of the spider and thrust the sword through the cephalothorax. The witch drove the sword down, severing the pedicel without any remorse.

It let out a dying wail, curling its hairy legs around her. Gracie paid special attention to its clicking fangs, not wanting them to get anywhere near her. She couldn't allow herself to get venom inside her body.

Both the spider and her crashed to the ground, but she rolled and casted a protego charm around herself while Ominis assisted with a cushioning charm.

"Is it dead?" Ominis inquired, walking towards the dead creature.

Gracie looked sullenly at the creature, "It's certainly not alive."

"Are you going to be this dreadful the whole trip?"

Ominis waved his wand towards the remaining spiderweb covering the streets. Flames licked away without damaging the buildings. It was unfortunate that the people trapped inside the spider's silk were already dead or decomposing, but it wasn't their battle. Someone would stumble upon the town, find a slaughter, and report it to the proper authorities about some mass casualty.

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