62. Bourgeoises

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When James got to Dumbledore's office, the others were already there, somewhat crowded in the small room. DUmbeldore stood behind his desk next to a very familiar face.

"Frank!" James grinned and went to greet his old quidditch mate, "How's auror training treating you? what are you doing here?" James looked around and saw the serious look on Dumbledore's face, and he pulled away from Frank, patting his shoulder awkwardly before joining his friends.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I know you all must be confused as to why I have summoned you," He started. Sirius must have muttered something stupid that James didn't hear, and got slapped on the arm by Remus, "I picked you seven because I believe that you are the most trustworthy and motivated to join the cause."

Lily raised her hand, "Erm sir, what exactly is this about?" She asked.

"Ah, I am getting ahead of myself. I'm sure at this point you have all heard about the war that has been going on, though the ministry is trying to hide it from the public eye. i believe that you lot are a good fit to help fight the death eaters, of course only if you're up for it. I brought one of our newer members to share his experience with the order of the phoenix." Dumbledore motioned his hands toward Frank to introduce him.

"Oh uh, is that my cue to speak?" frank chuckled awkwardly and stepped forward, "Uhm im frank longbottom. I graduated last year and went into auror training with my girlfriend alice, but we also both got recruited to jointhe order of the phoenix. It's a kind of small organization , since the ministry sort of refuses to acknowledge the war, but we work to fight against the death eaters." He explained.

"So if we join, what happens?" Remus asked skeptically.

"Well, of course it will be dangerous. You will be risking you lives fighting the death eaters, but the more members we have, the better our hopes of winning are." Dumbledore said.

"I'm in." James said first. he of course never really thought about what he wanted to do after graduation. He had enough wealth that he didn't need a job, and he thought that fighting against great evils would be a place to start, and a thing to occupy him as he wanted for regulus to graduate.

"Well that means I'm in, and so is Remus." Sirius spoke up.

"You cant just- ugh whatever I'm in." Remus sighed.

"I'll do it." Lily said enthusiastically, beaming at her friends.

"Yeah me too." Mary mumbled.

"Count me in I guess." Dircas joined in, leaving a shell-shocked looking Peter, frozen silent.

"Pete?" James asked.

"I - I'll do it. Bloody terriffying shite though." He muttered.

"Hey, youll be alright Pete. I'll keep you safe." James patted his back.

Peter smiled at his friend, "Thank you."

Dumbledore interrupted, speaking up to the group, "I will give you more information after you all graduate. Focus on your studies, pass your classes, and start your lives, which ultimately come first. Thank you all" He sent them off without another word. James reached back dramatically for frank who gave him a smile and waved as Sirius shoved James out of the door.


Regulus and his friends ended up decorating the Gryffindor common room for James's party, along with the help of some Gryffindor's who had some free time and were curious to see what a group of Slytherins were doing in the Gryffindor common room.

Regulus was given the password a while ago and spent his free time with  the marauders, mostly James.

As he was setting the final things up, an owl approached him. He untied the letter from the owls foot and gave it a few treat James had lying on the desk in his dorm.

The letter was addressed from his mother. She was undeniably angry at his betrayal and gave him an ultimatum. He could come home and be punished profusely for his disobedience, or he would be hunted down and killed the second he stepped foot outside of Hogwarts. She didn't care who got in the way, all in her wake would die just for her to get to Regulus.

Regulus didn't even know he was crying until he was sitting on his brothers bed with his head in his hands.

Of course she had to completely ruin James's birthday like that. Regulus wondered if it was intentional, if she was that petty to be able to find out his birthday.

James was being distracted by Remus and Peter as the common room was being set up. Regulus was sent to the dorm to grab something for Sirius, eho by now would notice his brother missing.

Regulus heard a knock on the door before Sirius walked in. "Everything alri- oh shit Reg what happened?" He rushed over and saw the letter crumpled up on the ground, their mothers name in large cursive.

"What did she say?" Sirius sat down next to Regulus and hesitantly wrapped an arm around his brother. Regulus shifted and threw his arms around Sirius, burying his head in his chest.

"She said if I don't come home she is going to hunt me down and kill me herself. And she will kill you, and James, and Monty and Effie - anyone who tries to stop her. And you know she's powerful enough to do that. She will have all the death eaters and probably the dark lord with her. Sirius I wss in his inner circle. I know all of his secrets. I overheard things I shouldn't have, I can't live."

Sirius rubbed circles into Regulus's back softly, "we can keep you safe I promise. We are working with a group directly opposing the dark lord. If he and Walburga want to get to you, they're going to have to get through an entire organization of people. We have aurors working with us." Sirius said.

"Since when was this a thing?" Regulus asked.

"Since today. Me and some others just got recruited actually..." Sirius laughed.

"Don't die." Regulus whispered.

"I won't Reggie. And I'll fight to keep you safe." He assured. "Let's get you washed up and ready to party. The common room is almost set up and James will be here any minute" He stood up and offered a hand to his brother. They walked to the bathroom together.

Sirius did some final touches ups on his makeup, which he 'secretly' stole from Effie years ago.

"I've never done makeup. Does it feel weird?" Regulus tried.

"Do you want some makeup? I could make you look beautiful for James" Sirius offered with a grin, and Regulus obliged. Sirius took the time to apply a gorgeous shade of emerald to Regulus's eyelid, along with some eyeliner. It was never anything Regulus would do on his own, but when it was finished, Regulus couldn't believe his eyes.

"How do you know how to do this?" Regulus asked.

"Effie caught me stealing her makeup, so she taught me how to properly use it." Sirius said, "story for another time, we've got a party to crash" Sirius pulled his brother to the Gryffindor common room.


Guys I'm sick again... what has even happened since i last uploaded? well there was my moms birthday (plus Patrick stump, Ulysses s grant, my step dads grandma, my brothers best friend, and more) ive been stressing over doing things i need to do, and yet im procrastinating because i dont want to put in the work of figuring it out. I genuinely need to start doing that and I will try tomorrow. anyway enjoy this chapter, i rlly need to get on top of things

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