1. Lie To The Truth

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It started at the first Quidditch game James's third year. How was he supposed to know the new cute Slytherin seeker was his bloody best friends little brother.

The first game of the season was against Slytherin, and James found himself distracted from the game - and nothing was more captivating than scoring the quaffle, throwing it through those shining gold hoops. James loved quidditch, almost more than life itself, and he was surprised to see a small green flash using techniques he had only seen the pros using.

As the game went on, James tried to focus on the game, but he kept catching glimpses of the small seeker in green robes and his amazing technique, spinning around, maneuvering in a way that nobody seemed to appreciate. Nobody at Hogwarts was as good on a broom as James, but the boy was competition.

James was smacked on the head by his teammate Mary Macdonald, one of the other chasers. "James, what is wrong with you today?" She shouted at him.

"Sorry, Macdonald." He shouted back, focusing back on the game. He nearly dodged a bludger coming at him, Sirius following it close behind.

"You got this, mate!" Sirius smiled as he zoomed by.

It wasn't until after the game that he saw that seeker talking to none other than Sirius black. He noticed how similar their facial structure was. They did not look like they were getting along.

"Like you care!" The seeker practically shouted. "Leave me alone. I feel sweaty and gross, and smelling you isn't helping." He tried to shove past Sirius.

"C'mon reg. You know I care about you. You're my baby brother." Reg. That was Regulus, Sirius's little brother. James knew he was at Hogwarts, but for some reason, he was expecting someone... more like Sirius. Less snippy. But that was all the blacks, their quick wits, and colorful language. It was one thing James loved about Sirius.

"If you cared for me, you wouldn't have left!" Regulus practically yelled, losing all composure he had.

"Reg, I would have taken you with me. I still can, come live with us." Sirius reached a hand out, trying to grab his brothers hand.

"Don't-" Regulus backed up, "Don't touch me, and don't pretend that I can just walk out the door like you did." Regulus spat and walked over to his locker. Sirius knew better than to keep disturbing him.

James approached Sirius, placing a hand on his back. Sirius leaned into his touch. "I think you need to have a conversation where you stop fighting him and just listen." James said quietly.

"He makes it so hard to listen to him. Sometimes, I feel like he's trying to make me hate him." He sighed dramatically.

"Well mate, I can't help you there. You'll have to figure it out on your own." James left him to go clean up. When he got in the shower, James felt amazing. He always loved the feeling of showering after a good quidditch game, and if he didn't love quidditch so much, he would argue that this was the best part.

That day was the first of many where James found himself noticing Regulus. As the months and eventually years passed, the relationship between the black brothers only worsened, every argument pushing the two apart until they barely talked to each other, if at all, only to argue. They were strangers to each other. At first, it affected Sirius, and James knew how much Sirius loved his brother, but he buried it in his brain, in his heart, and forced himself not to feel it. All the hurt that came with losing Regulus, he couldn't handle it.


Sirius always tried to be a positive person, especially around his friends. He always tried to hide all the negative and broken parts of himself. He didn't want to trouble them or worry Remus. That boy already had enough to worry about on his own, and Sirius felt like he was obligated to do whatever he could to help.

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