18. Sports With Strangers

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The party came by quickly, and James was excited to finally see Lily again. He wasn't sure who else would be there, but he was sure it would be fun. James and Sirius were able to convince Remus to come along but couldn't get a hold of Peter. It was strange they hadn't seen him all winter.

When James got there, he was surprised to see a lot of unexpected familiar faces. Of course, there was Lily, Mary, and Marlene. James also saw a Slytherin girl, Dorcas, with another Slytherin girl James didn't recognize, but she looked oddly similar to one of Regulus's friends. The most unexpected people were Regulus, Barty, and Evan, of course. They were a sight for sore eyes and completely unexpected at this party. James had no idea how they knew Mary, but he became increasingly curious.

"Reggie? What are you doing here?" Sirius approached with his mouth agape like an idiot. The last time James knew they talked was what seemed like an argument to James, but he still wasn't sure, the language barrier made it feel strange to him, maybe it was a fight, they seemed mad, but it seemed more pleading.

"I forgot you were going to be here." Regulus sighed, crossing his arms uncomfortably. "Please don't beg me to do anything, I don't want to fight today." Regulus said.

"I... I won't. I'll be normal." Sirius said. "Can you pretend to not hate my guts for one night?" Sirius asked.

"I'm capable of being rational, not so sure about you and your idiot friends." Regulus sneered.

"I could say the same about yours." Remus jumped into the conversation. James glared at him for that. He would rather avoid provoking them.

"Oh, you think -" Barty started saying something before Regulus put a hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"We're leaving." He said to his friends and left the room.

Sirius frowned. "I still miss him." He looked miserable but swallowed it down.

James patted Sirius on the back, "Let's go talk to the girls and get this party started, then you can kiss your boyfriend at midnight." He smirked at the two.

"Shut up, James!"


"Do you think we can get Evan to want to kiss you at midnight?" Regulus whispered to Barty. "I've noticed his jealous looks at us. Maybe a good party game with the girls will egg him on." He smirked.

"If not, I'm kissing you at midnight." Barty said. Regulus shrugged and walked into the living room. Regulus was out on the porch in the snow, looking out at the stars. Canis Major was out. The brightest star in the sky blinking as if it was gloating, saying "I am better than you in every way imaginable."

"What are you looking at?" James asked. Regulus froze. He came out of nowhere, and now he was prying into Regulus's business. Regulus remembered the last time he saw Potter in the hospital wing, and how mad that made him. The bottled up anger seemed to explode as Regulus punched James in the face.

"Fuck you, you prick. Stop prying into my life. You are a stuck up asshole and you need to leave me alone! and tell Sirius to stop too." Regulus looked down at James, who was knocked to the ground, nose bloodied by the impact.

"Okay, I deserve that." Regulus was hyperventilating at this point.

"Of course you do."

"I don't know how you feel, someone as privileged as me never will, but I am willing to listen. I wont sit here and beg you to let me save you, I know that's not what you want, but I will tell you that you should not stay in that house." James stood up slowly, using his jacked to soak up the blood on his face.

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