46. Always

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"So, where have you been young man?" Barty asked as Regulus waked back into the dorm, trying and failing to hide his smile.

"Oh what were we thinking allowing you around Potter while you're drunk?" Evan joked, "we're so terrible at taking care of you, get over here Reg" Evan stood up and led Regulus to the bathroom.

"Did you have fun?" Barty shouted from the bedroom as Regulus was puking in the toilet.

"Oh, you two definitely made out, didn't you?" Evan asked, "You get so clingy when you're drunk." He patted Regulus on the back, then combed the sweaty hair off of his forehead.

"Do not." Regulus croaked, "Get me some water?"

"You're so needy," Evan groaned dramatically and got Regulus a glass of water, which Regulus practically chugged, then brushed his teeth, then chugged another glass.

"Feeling better?" Barty shouted again, still in the bedroom, "I'm expecting a full play by play of what happened with Potter!"

Regulus left the bathroom with Evan and sat on his bed, "How do you always know?" Regulus asked, visibly annoyed.

"Because I know you, and I know James, You two are so hopelessly in love. I bet he was waiting in the astronomy tower every night for you." He said smugly, "Is he doing alright?"

"He's fine." Regulus said.

"C'mon Reg, tell us what happened," Evan sat next to Regulus crisscross applesauce. Barty wsd laying on his stomach on his own bed, kicking his feet in the air, and fake kissing his pillow.

"Stop it, Barty!" Regulus took off his shoe and threw it at him.

"Okay okay stop, just tell us what happened" he laughed.

"I told James about the horcruxes, it was only fair to elaborate on the nonsense I told him last time I saw him. He ended up coming out to me, and I talked about what being gay was like for me. He told me to run away and he said - he said he 'really cared about me' and was being so touchy and," Regulus glared at his friends, who were giving him a knowing look. "No I am not all cuddly when I'm drunk, you guys exaggerate so much! Anyway - I told him he can't just do that to me and he did anyway. He said he wished he remembered kissing me on his birthday, and I couldn't hold back so I-"

"You made out with him!" Barty exclaimed.

Regulus sighed, "yes, I - I made out with him, and I fucking called him Jamie which made him overreact of course" Regulus muttered.

"You gave him a nickname? You never do that for us!" Barty pouted.

"You have a nickname. Would you rather I called you Bartemius?" Regulus asked sarcastically.


"Thought so. Now Evan please get out of my bed I want to sleep." Regulus shooed him, pushing him off his bed.

"You don't wanna cuddle?" Evan asked, "you can pretend I'm James if it makes you feel better" He offered, holding his arms out.

"Go away! You disgust me!" Regulus shoved him away and closed the curtains around himself.

"Whatever, I hope you dream of a beautiful future with James Potter where you have beautiful children!" He shouted.

"Not gonna happen! Muffliato!" Regulus cast, relishing in the newfound silence. He was sure Evan and Barty were yelling obscenities, but Regulus couldn't hear it from the confines of his bed.


James dreaded going to class the next day, his lack of sleep the past few days had started to catch up to him. Unfortunately, he still had to go to potions.

"If you all read your textbooks, you should know that we are making Amortentia today. Can anyone tell me what that is?" Professor Slughorn asked, motioning towards a cauldron full of a liquid, with steam rising in spirals.

Remus, of course volunteered to answer, "It's a love potion which can cause a powerful obsession from the drinker," Remus explained, "But, it smells differently to everyone based on what attracts us."

"Thank you Mr. Lupin. Now, today I want you all to brew this potion and note what you smell. You will not drink it, you will not take any for personal use." He then set the students off to brew potions in groups. Remus and Sirius worked together, leaving James and Peter as a pair. They are a perfect pair of working and talking without getting distracted. Remus and Sirius finish their potion first, but James had to say his was better - and more vibrant looking.

"You smell it first Pete" James offered, getting out his quill and parchment.

"Hmmm, well I smell cilantro, fresh cut grass, and the ocean air" He said.

James leaned toward the cauldron and smelled it. "I smell the woody scent of a broomstick handle, the way the air smells before it rains, and -" He sniffed again. That was...

Exactly how Regulus smelled. "A mix of Raspberries and Rose petals" He said.

"That's very specific" Peter muttered. "Almost as if -" his eyes widened with realization, "It's not Lily is it?"

James chuckled, "no. It's not Lily, don't worry."

"Who is it? I won't tell anyone" Peter nudged him in the side, "Are you sneaking out to see a girl at night?" He asked smugly.

"No, no girls. Sorry to disappoint." James said, staying calm but freaking out on the inside. Everything from last night flooded back to him. He couldn't believe that really happened. How would he tell Sirius now? Even before it was a hard situation especially with the brothers hating each other, now if Sirius found out je was sure he was dead.

James was sure now though, more than ever that he loved Regulus back.


gjlsadfjsakldfjlskd;f I am literally so in love with this story. I'm staying up way too late editing this when I should be sleeping, since I have school tomorrow. Oh well. 

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