61. Kick Me

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"Uncle Alphard died." Sirius sniffed. He and Regulus were sitting in the courtyard together, "I was the only one written in his will."

Regulus nodded, "Alphard was like you and Andy. I'm sure he didn't know about me yet." Regulus said.

"He left me his flat in London, and a decent amount of gold." Sirius said, "I want to share some with you."

Regulus didn't know what to say. He and Alphard were never close like Sirius was, but he knew how much Sirius loved Alphard. "Alphard really loved you, do what you feel is right with the money." Regulus told his brother.

"Hey Reggie, your match tomorrow... I'll be there cheering for you." Sirius said.

"Thanks Sirius." Regulus smiled and left his brother. He headed through the corridors to the Slytherin common room, but on the way, he was stopped by some 7th year Slytherins.

"You've been the talking piece of the whole school recently, what's so special about you anyway?" One boy asked, approaching Regulus, backing him up into a wall.

"Didn't you get arrested? The minister and dementors had to show up to take you away, and then you came back and made out with your faggot Gryffindor boyfriend." The other boy said.

"How do you think his mommy feels about both her sons being faggots?" The first boy asked the other.

"I bet she would put in an order for their execution. Better watch your step Black." The other boy warned.

Regulus sneered and stomped on the foot of the boy nearest to him, "Your shallow threats mean nothing to me."

The boys took out their wands and pinned Regulus against the wall. "How about we do the honours of killing him? Maybe Walburga could put in a good word with Voldemort for us." Regulus almost flinched at the sound of the dark lord's name. The other boy nodded and pointed his wand at Regulus, who couldn't reach his own wand.

He saw Snape approach from around the corner, "Levicorpus." He pointed his wand at the boy pinning regulus down, dangling the boy upside down from his ankles, which gave regulus enough time to draw his own wand.

Regulus said "Flipendo" Which threw the other boy to the wall.

Regulus decided to walk off without another word, but Snape had another Idea.

"Regulus," He called. Regulus ignored him, trying to keep his anger at bay, but Snape kept following him.

Regulus turned around and poked his wand against Snape's throat, "It was you that cast that spell in the cave wasn't it? I could easily cast that back at you right now." He sneered. Snape was one of the only people stupid enough to make his own spell and use it, Regulus of course being another one stupid enough, his arm punishing him for it.

"Yeah. It's still in the works. You're lucky it only grazed you, usually you would have needed a counter spell to heal it."

Regulus pushed the wand farther into Snape's throat, "Barely grazed me!? It nearly killed me!" He shouted.

"My point still stands, Black."

"I don't have enough energy to deal with you right now." Regulus groaned and turned around.

"It's not too late to come back. Work as a spy for Voldemort, you can be on both sides."

"Why would I do that? And even if i wanted to, the second I see any of my relatives again, they will not hesitate to torture and kill me." Regulus snapped.

"I'm a spy for Voldemort. He needs people at Hogwarts to keep an eye on Dumbledore, but Dumbledore thinks he has a person at Hogwarts spying on the death eaters. I know a lot of information and secrets from both sides. We both know you know things about Voldemort that nobody else did. you were in his closest circle." Snape said, stepping closer to Regulus.

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