33. Somewhere Only We know

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After everything that had been happening, Evan wanted a break, and he knew just where to go. Somewhere he wanted to show Barty what seemed like ages ago.

"Where are we going?" Barty asked. It was the weekend and they finally had a day off of classes.

"You'll see" Evan smirked and dragged him through the corridors, eventually coming to a wall, which transformed into a door.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Barty asked, dumbfounded, but instead of getting an answer, he was pulled through the doorframe by Evan. The room was beautiful, they were on what looked like a porch overlooking a beautiful landscape with a lake surrounded by trees. Evan pulled Barty over to a sofa on the porch and pulled him in for a long needed kiss. Evan pulled Barty close, almost devouring him as if he would never see him again.

Barty pulled back for air and saw tears on Evans face. He pulled Evan up into a sitting position, "Evan what the hell? are you okay?" Barty asked.

"I'm so glad I get a moment to finally be alone with you." Evan sniffed, "I've been so scared constantly, just waiting until someone does something or my father disowns me in a howler in front of the whole school." Evan hugged Barty close, as if it was the last time he would ever do that.

"Fuck him. I would tell you to fight back but I know you can't leave your sister." Barty said. "You always care so much, how could anyone hate you?"

"Because I'm useless. I'm a horrible brother. I'm a horrible son, and I'm a horrible boyfriend." He sobbed, sniffling loudly.

"Evan" Barty grabbed his shoulders firmly, "You are the best boyfriend I've ever had, and the only boyfriend I have ever had, and I would never dream of having another because nobody would be nearly as wonderful as you. You are so beautiful and wonderful and caring and you've made me feel things nobody has before."

Hearing those words made him cry harder somehow, and he just hugged Barty close until he calmed down.

"Thank you." He wiped his red face, embarrassed. He had never shown that much emotion to anyone before, not even Pandora, and it lifted a huge weight off his shoulders. "I love you so much" He said, leaning his head on Barty's chest.

Barty wrapped his arms around Evan's waist, "I love you too."


Remus hated the slug club. 

Nothing was wrong with it per se, it was just a boring club for the students Slughorn liked. Remus never really talked to anyone there, or asked Slughorn questions, so the professor was intrigued when Remus spoke up.

Slughorn had already had a few drinks by then, Remus made sure of that.

Remus decided to play it off as studying. He pretended to be interested in being an auror, (even though that was at the absolute bottom of his list, especially as of recent) and told Slughorn he overheard the word from Dumbledore, but couldn't find any information on what it was. Hearing the topic of horcruxes still disturbed Slughorn, but not nearly as much as it would if he were sober.

"Oh my dear boy, those demonic things are vile. I advise you to not approach this subject." Slughorn slurred. "And besides, you shouldn't even be here at all with an injury like that" He commented.

"But professor I must know. I think knowing how they work might change the outcome of this war." Remus decided to ignore his injury comment, which took Slughorn aback.

"That is not a topic that should concern you right now." He frowned.

"Professor, with all due respect, I simply cannot ignore the genocide going on like the school is trying to make me do. They cannot hide it from me when me and my family are the ones at risk."

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