11. How Many Times?

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The next morning, James woke up groggily, he didn't remember much other than asking Lily out and dancing with her, but when he looked around he noticed both Sirius and Remus were nowhere to be seen. He got up slowly and left for the Great Hall where he assumed they would be, but he only found Lily sitting beside her roommate Mary.

"Have either of you seen Remus or Sirius?" James asked them.

"Maybe they finally realized they like each other and shagged in a broom closet." Mary suggested through bites of her breakfast.

"That would be too simple. If they got together you know Sirius would be flaunting it to the whole school." Lily said, "Speaking of idiots that do that, what's wrong with you James?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm not the idiot I was in first year." James rolled his eyes, "I'm going to try to find them, ill see you in class love." James kissed her forehead and swiftly left. Mary elbowed her in the side when her face blushed almost as bright as her hair.


When Regulus woke up, Barty was awake and Evan was nowhere to be seen. "Where is Evan?" Regulus asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Rosy is with Pandora. She came by way too early in the morning and stole him using some sibling code I don't understand." Barty replied.


"There's no way you haven't heard me call him that. He absolutely hates it, its hilarious." Barty laughed.

"This is why he wont date you." Regulus said with a straight face, finally getting out of his warm bed into the cold air.

"That's not funny Reg." Barty pouted.

"It's a little funny. Lets go get breakfast."

On the way to the Great Hall, Barty attempted to pull regulus into an empty classroom, only to be face to face with Sirius Black, the one boy neither Slytherin wanted to see. His face was red and tear streaked, which took Regulus by surprise.

"What the hell happened to you?" Barty blurted out, his lack of filter sabotaging him.

"Shut the fuck up." Regulus whisper-yelled, and slapped the back of his head.

"What are you two doing here? you here to harass me or to shag?" Sirius spat at them.

Regulus took a deep breath. "I'm not going to fight you Sirius."

That somehow made Sirius more mad as he took a step forward, "And yet you still argue with me every chance you get, how come you always get to be mad at me? In the end, you're the one who decided to stay there." He said, voice laced with venom that Regulus found it hard not to be angered at.

"You shut up." Regulus' hands shook as he clenched them to his side.

"Or what? You and your boyfriend going to fight me?" Sirius sneered, Barty tried stepping forward, but Regulus pushed him back.

"Barty, go eat." Regulus shoved him away. "Sirius, ne fais pas ça" He begged.

"J'ai déjà eu une dure journée, ne l'aggrave pas" Sirius glared.

"Tu m'as quitté, j'ai le droit d'être en colère"

"J'ai dû!" sirius alomost shouted, "pourquoi restes-tu ?" he asked.

"papa a besoin de moi..."

"il était aussi mauvais que walburga." Sirius said blank faced, he never loved either of his parends, and he knew Regulus tried far too hard to earn their love.

"tu sais à quel point c'est dangereux si je pars. elle vous tuera ainsi que quiconque sur son chemin." regulus said.

Their argument went on for what seemed like ages to Sirius, but halfway through, a frantic looking James potter burst through the door.

"What the hell is going on here?" James asked, "Sirius are you alright?" He noticed his red face, thinking Regulus made him cry, he had before, but never in front of Regulus, it was always behind closed doors.

"Tu me manque, Regulus" Sirius mumbled, almost too quiet for Regulus to hear.

"English boys, I don't speak bonjour baguette." James almost laughed at himself, but he knew this situation, whatever it was, was not the time or place for that.

Regulus rolled his eyes. "I don't have the patience for this idiot." he said before he walked out.

"So uhh... did you manage to talk to him without killing each other?" James asked, looking back at the door after it slammed shut.

"I... I don't know." sirius muttered.

"Is he the reason you disappeared this morning or did something happen with Remus?" James asked, leaning against a desk that was covered in a thick layer of dust.

"I had a fight with Remus." Sirius said, crossing his arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" James asked.

"He said he loved me..." Sirius almost let out a sob. "How could I be so stupid?"

James got up and wrapped Sirius in an embrace, "he finally snapped, I cant believe it happened." James said.

"You knew!?" Sirius almost slapped him.

"Its hard not to. He stares at you like you're the only person who matters. He is worse than me with Lily our first year." James laughed.

"No way..."

"So are you going to talk to him? James asked, wrapping an arm around Sirius' shoulders.

"I think i have to wait for him to cool off."

"Whatever you think is right. Just don't keep fighting till Christmas please." James said, then pulled Sirius in for a bear hug, letting Sirius bury his face in James's shoulder, wiping his tears on the others robes.



Ne fais pas ça - don't do that

J'ai déjà eu une dure journée ne l'aggrave pas- I already had a hard day. Don't do that.

Tu m'as quitté, j'ai le droit d'être en colère- you left me I have the right to be angry

J'ai dû! - I had to!

Pourquoi restés-tu - why do you stay?

Papa a besoin de moi - dad needs me

Il était aussi mauvais que walburga - he was just as bad as walburga

Tu sais à quel point c'est dangereux si je pars. Elle vous tuera ainsi que quiconque sur son chemin - You know how dangerous it is if I leave. She will kill you and anyone in her path

Tu me manqueI miss you

Well guys I apologize, it's been a month since the last update. Recently I've just been going through a lot and I haven't had the energy to go on my computer to upload chapters, as an apology I'll upload a few chapters to make up for it. I've just had to be the middle man in drama between my ex and some of my friends and it took a lot out of me.

Well I hope you enjoy as the story starts to finally progress! Sirius and Regulus spoke. It was a fight, but it was something.

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