39. Hell Above

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Regulus looked around the room. Dorcas was already kissing her girlfriend, Marlene. Barty and Evan were on the dance floor, which was just the center of the common room, being absolute idiots. Pandora was in the corner talking to an odd looking Ravenclaw boy she seemed to know. Regulus already knew he would have to question her about this later.

He saw a table filled with food and drinks and headed over there.

"I didn't expect to see you here" Regulus turned to see Remus, two drinks in his hands, balancing on his cane.

"You shouldn't be talking to me here. What if your boyfriend sees?" Regulus frowned.

"What will it take for you two to have a level-headed conversation?" Remus sighed

"Maybe teach him some manners, less self centered-ness might be nice too. It's impossible to talk to him, I've tried. He just thinks I'm evil. Maybe I am." Regulus walked past Remus.

"Hey, I'll see you around. If you get any more information for our plan don't be afraid to owl me." Remus called out.

Regulus nodded and kept walking. He got himself a solo cup filled with who knows what and grabbed some snacks as well. He surveyed the room once more. Remus was back with Sirius and James. Sirius looked like he was trying to get James to do something, but James was reluctant.

Lily was walking toward the group of boys with Peter and Mary at her side, drinks in their hands. Lily approached James, and he pulled her in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Hey." A voice from his left startled Regulus, he looked over to see none other than Severus Snape.

"How did you even get in here? I don't think there's a single Gryffindor that would let you in." Regulus crossed his arms.

"I-" Snape frowned, "I've been trying to be a better person." Snape admitted.

Regulus's eyes narrowed, "You've already ruined your life. Don't pretend I haven't seen you at my house or Malfoy manor."

"You're just like me, if anything, you're worse, you actually have the-"

Regulus slapped a hand over Snape's mouth, "Don't fucking say it out loud." He whispered, then dropped his hand, wiping it on his trousers.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I've done in the past, I'm not asking you to like me or forgive me at all, I just want to admit it."

Regulus scoffed, "I don't forgive you. but - thank you for apologizing." Regulus decided not to be petty about it despite his better judgement, there was no point being petty and acting like a child over matters that are done and dealt with.

Regulus refilled his already empty cup, then decided he was ready. He found Pandora in the crowd, made eye contact and gave her a nod, then he left the rest to her, and left for the room of requirements. He had found out from Barty and Evan that James accidentally stumbled upon the room when Barty and Evan were in there. They explained to Regulus how the room worked and where it was, and now it was just a matter of finding it.

He paced the hall they said it was in, but no doors appeared. They appeared with a given intention, what was Regulus's intention? What did he plan on doing? He tried to think of a place where both he and James could be comfortable and talk. That's why he didn't want to go to the astronomy tower again, it was cold and open with too many memories for Regulus, he needed somewhere smaller and warm to focus and really get his thoughts across.

A door was on a wall in front of Regulus, one he had never seen before. He walked in to see a room similar to the Gryffindor common room, but smaller and with more neutral tones. Sort of like a living room, there was a lit fire, a sofa, and two armchairs. Windows looking out to the night sky, and a table with two mugs of what could have been coffee or hot chocolate. Regulus couldn't help but question how this room could conjure something like this with so much life and then transform into whatever you wanted. Would the exact same room show up to someone else? Or would it create another room? How many different rooms could it create? To what extent? Did things stay in the room, so that when you asked for that room again, the object would stay there? and would that object be there if someone else asked for the same room? He had so many questions, but they all were cut short by a noise behind Regulus.

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