24. A Match into Water

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As soon as the door to the common room closed behind Regulus, he took a deep breath. He hated how potter made him feel. He broke through every one of Regulus's defenses, he walked Regulus back to his common room, how pathetic was that? And all Regulus could do was comply.

He needed to talk to Evan and Barty, but where were they?" Regulus noticed a pool of blood on the floor of the common room as he walked past, maybe Barty would have a funny story of a fight. But Barty wasn't in their Dorm. Neither was Evan. He walked out of his dorm to see Snape leaning against the railing.

"What do you want?" Regulus sneered. He didn't exactly hate Snape, but he hung around the wrong crowd, the people Regulus was supposed to hang around, but didn't.

"You can't tell Mulciber or Avery I'm telling you any of this." He said

"Yeah whatever, get it over with I have to go." Regulus rolled his eyes

"They're in the hospital wing, and Mulciber Is going to out Evan and Barty to their parents." Snape said, looking down at a book in his hands rather than at regulus. That infuriated him.

"How did you find out?" Regulus sneered.

"I... I don't know. They just knew. I didn't even know until they decided to start beating up Barty in the common room." Snape said.

"Fuck you. You are lucky I wont beat you to a pulp right here." Regulus sneered before sprinting off. He ran through the corridors, not caring if he got caught or not. He had to see Barty. Regulus's vision went blurry, all he could think was Barty, Barty, Barty.

"Woah there Reggie. Calm down." Disembodied hands came out of nowhere, steadying him by the waist.

"Get your hands off me Potter. I have somewhere to be." Regulus said, speedwalking off this time, but Potter followed.

"Do you want to use the cloak again?" James offered.

"No. Fuck you and your stupid cloak. Go back to your dorm before you get us both caught." Regulus found himself getting angry again, but seeing Barty was more important than his hatred for Potter, so he pushed on, practically sprinting to the hospital wing. Behind the doors he overheard Slughorn talking to Madame Pomfrey.

"I don't know Horace. The boy came in just cradling Bartemius, I saw his face, there was no way he would have inflicted that upon him."

"But Rosier said it himself, the common room was deserted. How am I supposed to believe his claim that it was Avery and Mulciber? Those two have caused no trouble, but Rosier had been such a problem child all year." Slughorn said convincingly.

"We will deal with the culprit after Bartemius is recovered." Pomfrey sighed, "how long will the potion take?" She asked.

"Not sure, depending on temperature, weather condition, and even the time of year, it could take anywhere from an hour to a month to brew." Slughorn said.

"Merlin, he's treating it like a joke..." Potter whispered into Regulus's ear. Regulus nearly jumped, his shoulders tensing up to his ears.

"Why are you here?" Regulus glared

"What happened to Barty?" Potter asked, insisting to stay near, half under the cover of his outrageous cloak. How he even got his hands on that thing, Regulus had no idea. Maybe it was just his mental state that day, but every time Potter came to him in the cloak, he couldn't even hear him. Potter was such an outrageously loud person, there was no way he could sneak that quiet and undetected.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Now get out before you get us caught." Regulus whispered.

"We could sneak past them with the cloak, I'm sure Rosier is back there with Barty." Potter suggested.

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