56. The Good Part

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Regulus and Kreacher met Remus outside of Grimmauld place.

"We need to get out of here. Now." Reglus said.

"Heyy, wait a second-"

"Now!" Regulus shouted. Kreacher apparated them to the cave.

"What is going on?" Remus asked when they arrived at the entrance.

"We dnt have much time. I may have angered Lucius Malfoy when he caught me trying to escape." Regulus said. They ran up to a dead end. "Kreacher what is this?" He asked frantically.

"Master Regulus. Kreacher must give blood to open the cavern." Kreacher said.

"No Kreacher, I'll do it." Regulus said. Kreacher pulled out a knife.

"You must let Kreacher do it." Kreacher wouldnt let go of the knife.

"No kreacher. Give me the knife. I don't have time for this." Kreacher cried but he allowed Regulus to take the knife. Regulus cut his left hand open, and pressed his bloody hand to the rock, opening up. Inside there was a lake, and a boat.

"Do not touch the water." Kreacher hissed as he climbed into the boat. Remus and Regulus followed after. They rowed the boat to a small island, a stone basin sat in the middle.

Remus walked up, "There's the locket," He reached in, but his hand came out empty handed.

"Is everything okay?" Regulus asked. He climbed out of the boat and went to see Remus's issue. He couldn't grab the locket.

"Someone must drink the liquid." Kreacher said, "Kreacher will do it. Great pain awaits."

Regulus shook his head, "No kreacher. You've already drank it before, I'll do it this time." He insisted.

"Regulus you cant-" Remus started.

"No master, Kreacher must drink it," Kreacher insisted, but Regulus grabbed the cup that was inside and took a sip. He was immediately filled with terrible agony. After a second sip, he turned to Remus and began to beg for water.

"No Regulus, you have to keep drinking this," Remus helped Regulus refill the cup, pushing it closer to Regulus's lips. He complied for another few sips before crying out in agony.

"Please dont make me! Water - I need water Please!" He begged, tears streaming down his face. He gripped onto Remus's sweater "I'll die without water please. Sirius would never forgive me" tears streamed down his face.

Remus looked heartbroken, but persisted, "C'mon Reg, there's not much left, you have to finish it." Remus insisted, practivally shoving it into Regulus's mouth. 

"Master black shouldnt have drank! It should have been Kreacher!" Kreacher cried from the boat as he watched Regulus thrashed and screamed. 

"You're almost done Reg, almost there." Remus encouraged, pouring the rest of the liquid down Regulus's throat

Right as Remus broke away to put the cup down and grab the locket, Regulus, who was desperate for water practically threw himself to the lake, getting the hydration he desperately needed. Remus looked between the cup and Regulus for a moment before he realized what was in the water. 

"No Reg!" Remus yelled, but it was too late. Arms and bodies emerged from the water, pulling Regulus under. They creeped closer to Remus and Kreacher. 

"It should have been Kreacher!" Kreacher cried louder. 

Remus tried to remember everything he knew. cave, water, lake, "Fire! That's what you meant Kreacher!" Remus almost shouted. The creatures in the water were Inferi, who were weak to fire. 

Remus conjured some fire, throwing it in every direction before diving in the water to find Regulus. He felt hands all over his body, pulling him down and trying to tear at him, but he persisted until he found a warm body - Regulus - and swam as best as he could. He had his wand in one hand, and was pulling Regulus with the other. He managed to make small sparks of fire, which were put out by the water, but those sparks were enough to make the Inferi back off enough for Remus to get on shore. Once he did, he made a ring of fire around the entire island until the Inferi retreated back into the water. 

Both Remus and Regulus were gasping for air, holding onto each other tightly.

"Regulus! Reg are you okay?" Remus shook Regulus by the shoulders. 

"I-" Regulus croaked, "We did it" He smiled. 

"Cmon reg, let's get out of here." Remus helped him up. He grabbed the locket and placed a decoy they had made, then they got back into the boat with Kreacher. They sailed back to the enterance, but when they got there, they had company. 

They were trapped inside of the cave, death eaters blocking the enterance. "Kreacher. get us out of here." Remus said, still supporting Regulus' weight. 

"Kreacher can only apparate himself. Not Master Regulus and Lupin." Kreacher said sadly. 

"Get yourself to safety Kreacher. We can handle this." Regulus said weakly. He balanced himself and coughed out some water. 

"If we get to the potters, we will be safe." Remus whispered.

"Let's do this." 

On the front lines were Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix.

"Crucio!" Bellatrix cackled, hitting her cousin, who cried out in agony. He collapsed onto the floor. 

"Avada Kedavra!" Remus barely dodged the spell, adrenaline flowing in his blood. He hexed Bellatrix, getting her off of Regulus, and helped him get up. 

"Imperio!" Lucius hit Regulus in his weakened state. "Kill the other boy." He ordered. 

Regulus reluctantly attacked Remus, throwing the killing curse at him relentlessly. Regulus fought back against the controlling curse, but it only slowed him down. 

A familiar voice threw a curse. Regulus thought he might have said Sectumsempra  - Regulus in his brainwashed state couldn't tell who it was who said it, but the curse hit him, tearing him open. Remus grabbed Regulus and charged the death eaters, the second he got past the mouth of the cave, he apparated, hoping he wouldn't splinch Regulus, hurting him any more than he already was. 

Remus collapsed on the ground, not exactly sure where he was, all he could think about was Regulus. Remus muttered whatever healing spells he could think of, but they weren't as effective as Remus hoped. 

"Remus. They can track me. We have to hurry. I - I have an idea." Regulus gasped out weakly. "Me and pandora have been researching a counter spell for the dark mark. I wasn't in my right mind when I got the mark, but I remember most of what Voldemort said. We deconstruced it and made what might be a counter, but I havent had a chance to test it." 

Remus helped Regulus roll up his sleeve, "If you kill yourself doing this I'll never forgive you." Remus said.

Regulus held his wand with a shaky hand and muttered his homemade incantation, pointing it at his arm. It turned his arm into a mess of flesh and blood, but Regulus had a smile on his face. "let's get out of here." He whispered weakly. 


In honor of James's birthday, I had to upload another chapter

Guys I think my Timothee chalamet hate Era is over 😭 I watched dune and wonka and like when he looks normal and doesn't have those stupid ass looking cheekbones that man is FINE (no homo)

Edit: why do I ALWAYS have issues with chapter titles, order, and my chapters being published? Genuinely wattpad hates me and if you want the best reading experience go to AO3 where I also have this published

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