"I'm not broken," I replied in low tone, as dictated by the tranquil moment. Upon retrospection I probably was, but that went beyond his power.

"And I'm not human..."

"Clearly," I sank my fingers onto the sharp pricklers.

"... Yet you regard me like such. I can do so much more for you," demon finished interrupted sentiment.

I sagged down around creature's neck and closed my eyes. The insistence would have been irritating if not for the earnestness behind it. For some reason he listened to me against his own better judgement and I felt better for it.

I was napping for a good while when intensifying growl woke me up. I was all groggy and sluggish.

Tick. Tick. Tick tickticktick. Splat.

Wiped chunks off my face. They weren't bloody per se, but transparent film definitely oozed out. Warm, pulsing flesh. Small needle teeth.

"Ew," I dropped the slimy chunk instinctually. Some dots connected and I looked up to find half of monster's hood missing. I really should be reacting to that, whoever was piloting my listless body told me. Monster jerked again as two more whacks forced otherwise steady tower backwards. Gunshots. Gunshots were gutting the creature. That's when a real terror gripped me and instead of screaming I gutturally snivelled.

I felt the force of each impact with my body, but no projectile touched me. I didn't even have a scratch. Looked back up and found faceless creature fully mended and thoughtfully ticking away. Monster ate the metal like it was candy, swerving only when they seemed to be aiming for me. Perhaps hugging a target with all my might was bad idea, but I could not let go. I still couldn't get over seeing a headshot, even if the only head the person in question carried was mine.

"They call themselves special anti-entity unit," growling relayed bits of what must have been an incredibly distant conversation.

"And?" I shouted, gripped by fear as hard as I was holding onto the special unit's quarry. I failed to see the relevance of naming, besides of course the fact that danger has perhaps doubled. Why wasn't he hightailing out of here?!

"I wonder how especially squishy they are."

I normally would have said something very derogatory about humanity, but these particular individuals were determined and carrying some serious heat. I could tell the demon did something I didn't even register because a deafening explosion got diverted away.

Following precision hits aimed to harm his horns in particular. Perhaps by accident or maybe anti-creature regiment really knew what it was doing. Demon swerved and this time it took him serious effort to stay on his feet. Another one of those explosions dangerous enough to avoid completely shook the ground to our left and wave of heat wafted in my face. Monster regenerated the injured antennae and seemed to be done with playing.

I felt my hands sink into a squishy mass and then get forced apart as another distinct form bulged out of the monster's back. I blinked and two of them stood in the field. The sniper was still aiming for the horns, but now both of them maneuvered the heads, effortlessly avoiding getting shot. One trotted on ahead whilst the other carrying me kept walking in the same pace.

"Let me down," I muttered, still gripping creature's shoulders like my life depended on it. It probably did.


I couldn't argue further. I was too scared. Way out of my element. Dying was supposed to be much more relaxing. This was not it.

Thus far things were going well. Creature seemed unbothered, perhaps even thrilled. He probably faced armed humans all the damn time. Previous massacre wasn't even a challenge, after all. This is fine. It'll be fine. I just regretted having front seats to this show.

Mad God's Love [Dark, enemies-to-lovers BL]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat