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Jungkook is upset, damn it's not even a passable word to describe how he is feeling right now. His mind is furious, and his hands stir the egg yolk as if he lost connection with his brain. How can it happen? He thought he would get selected. What went wrong? Is everything about politics? If everywhere money speaks then when will talent get its exposure?

Yes, he didn't get selected.

Jungkook cried while taking a shower. Screamed while pulling down the shirt that struck at his head. Once he felt a little calm he came to the kitchen to make something for his hungry stomach. His coach told them not to lose himself and it's all okay though he knows it's not okay. But he doesn't have any option he just needs to accept it if not just pretend.

Somehow this deep breathing shit helps him to calm his heart. He does have time, he will get selected next year if he keeps up his work. He closes his eyes and tries to imagine things that could calm him, the football court, the first time he ever felt the butterflies in his stomach when he kicked the ball to the court, the way he used to run on the field with wide open hands, at distant warm hands are calling him, a man standing with wide open arms with a beautiful smile on his face. Seokjin, seokjin is waiting for him to run to him. Jungkook breathed more, his mind calm on his own.

He opens his eyes with a smile on his face. He has gone bad for this man. How can just his image calm him down? He smiles remembering how wild he was when he first met seokjin. He startled him for sure. God!! What was that masturbating why did he even have that conversation!? He doesn't remember it well.

Now all he knows about is he can't live without seokjin and football.

He hears the unlocking sound of the door followed by the steps of his man. His man. Of course. But his smile fades when he sees seokjin's face. It's evident he cried, the traces of tears down on his soft rosy cheeks, the lips looked dry and trembling a little, not to tell his eyes looked small and sunken. Utterly beautiful mess.

" Hey, what happened?"

All he revived was seokjin's hug, it's like he just shoved himself into Jungkook's chest. It's something rare to occur, for seokjin to let go of his mask of collected man. For him to openly break down. What made him vulnerable?

" It's so unfair"

"what's that?"

" You deserved that selection. They are all stupid people. They don't know what talent is. They are going to miss this handsome talented Hulk. "

" Hulk?!"

" Yeah, look at yourself, you are like a muscle bunny now"

" That's a little exaggerated seokjin"

Seokjin shook his head no and snuggled into Jungkook's warm arms.

" That's okay. I have all the time. I will work more hard"

Jungkook says and he feels lighter seeing seokjin crying for him.

" You already do. I mean you are just living on the football court. Most mornings I cooked alone because I couldn't get up with those sore muscles.

" Hmm, that needs to be corrected. How did I leave you to cook alone early in the morning? at least me rubbing on you will be enough right?"

" Shut up, you brat. As if you stop yourself from just dry-humping!!?"

" Oops, that's your mistake for having a nice fuck-able ass. "

" Yeah, everything is my mistake now. Also are you okay"?

" Hmm, I am not. But you are here and it makes things good. Let me just make it better"

Jungkook hooks his hands under seokjin's knee helping him hover over him. Seokjin jumps taking the clue and circles his legs around Jungkook's waist.

Cigarettes after Sex [ Jinkook ]✔️Where stories live. Discover now