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My brain has never told me I've been hungry
Even when my stomach growls and grumbles loudly
It seems to ignore the cries of my body
And brushes off the fact that I am empty

It's as if my mind is playing a game
Hiding the truth and denying my shame
For I am starving, but my brain won't admit
It's a secret that only my body can transmit

As I try to ignore the gnawing sensation
My brain tells me it's simply a slight temptation
To eat and indulge in nourishment
But my body knows the true predicament

It's a constant battle between mind and body
And my brain seems to be the one in control, oddly
For it never tells me to eat when I'm low
Instead, it convinces me that I'm just a bit slow

But as the days go by, I feel my strength deplete
And my body grows weaker, my heartbeat incomplete
My brain finally realizes its mistake
As I collapse, my body unable to take

The starvation that it has endured
All because my brain was too proud to be lured
By the simple act of feeding my need
I realize now, my brain can also mislead


Im not self-conscious about my body, as much as I just don't realize when I'm hungry. I usually only ever realize when im on the verge of passing out or shaking uncomfortably, but it's never been purposeful due to dhysmorphia or anything.

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