Deep Ends

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In deep waters I fear yet I feel,
An inexplicable draw that's surreal.
The mysterious creatures, hidden, concealed,
Tempting my curiosity, refusing to yield.

The allure of the depths, a captivating call,
Whispering secrets, enticing me to fall.
But alas, it's a mystery, a forbidden delight,
A treasure forever out of sight.

The dark waters whisper, their depths unknown,
A secret world where wonders are sown.
Twisting and turning, they beckon me near,
Yet forever elusive, I'm bound to stay here.

Within the depths, secrets dance in the deep,
A realm of magic which I can only peep.
With each passing wave, a tale untold,
A myriad of wonders that cannot be sold.

But alas, it's mystery I'll never expore,
For my feet belong on solid shore.
The dense waters hold their secrets tight,
Leaving me with an ache for their sight.

In deep waters I fear, yet I yearn to know,
The stories of creatures that glide below.
Though their existence remains a mystery,
I'll forever dream of what I cannot see.


I wrote this as someone who's terrified of deep waters because I can't swim, but I still am fascinated with Marine life. :)

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