My voice

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I hate my voice, it's like a knife
Cutting through my fragile self-esteem
Every time I speak, I feel the strife
Of not sounding how I want to be seen

Why can't my words come out smooth and clear?
Why do they always crack and waver?
My voice, a constant source of fear
It makes me want to hide and cower

I try to speak up, to make myself heard
But my voice betrays me, a harsh sound
I feel like a broken record, repeating the word
That I hate my voice, and it brings me down

It's not how I imagined it would be
My voice, a reflection of my soul
But instead, it's a constant mockery
Making me feel like I have no control

I envy those with voices sweet and velvety
Their words flow like a soothing stream
I long to sound strong and confident, undoubtedly
But instead, my voice is a nightmare, a bad dream

I've tried to change it, to make it sound right
But nothing seems to make a difference
I've even avoided speaking, out of sight
But deep down I know, it's an act of resistance

I hate my voice, it's my own worst enemy
A constant reminder of my flaws
But I won't let it hold me back, I'll break free
For my voice does not define who I am, because

I am more than the sound that I produce
More than the whispers and the stutters
I am unique, my worth cannot deduce
From the sound of my voice, it really doesn't matter

So yes, I hate my voice, it makes me want to cry
But I won't let it bring me down
I'll keep speaking, even when it's dry
I'll rise above, with my own beautiful sound.


I don't like puberty :(

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