Chapter 22

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You are awakened by voices coming from outside, and stand up shakily. Peeking through the window, you see a group of people standing outside the door.

Shit. It's a school day.

You duck down before anyone notices your glowing (F/C) lights. Another temperature warning flashes across your screen and you feel yourself burning up.

No, no, no... I can't hurt these innocent kids...

You run your hands through your hair, thinking of what to do. The door handle shakes. Out of pure instinct, you leap up and latch onto the ceiling, praying to god that nobody sees you. The door opens and you hold your breath.

Kids begin entering, too busy with chattering to notice the Disassembly Drone hanging from the ceiling. Once everyone files into the classroom, you quickly drop down and bolt out of the room, not caring to be quiet.

You zip through the conveniently empty halls, taking random turns. You have the awful feeling that someone is chasing you. You come to a dead end and skid to a halt, not daring to turn around. Another warning flashes across your screen. You are certain someone is standing behind you, but you don't look. The fear of whomever is standing behind you is a mix of worrying that they will hurt you, or that you will hurt them.

After a long moment of silence, you hear a young girl's voice.


It's Suzy.

"Suzy... please..."

You say shakily. Fear spreads through your body like ice. Another temperature warning.


Your voice glitches out, along with your screen.

"Are you okay? What's going on?"

A splitting headache forms and you grip your head with both of your hands.

"Yo-ou d-on't understa-and..."

Your screen glitches to the point where you can't see.

"You h-ha-ave to run-n..."

You dig your fingers into your scalp as you are overwhelmed with agony.

"But, I-I wanna help!"

The concern in her voice brings tears to your eyes. Every inch of your body is aching to turn around and strike, but your heart keeps your feet planted firmly on the ground.

"Su-Suzy-y... pl-e-ease, sa-sav-e y-ourse-elf!"

You beg, bending over in pain.

"I-I'll go get someone! I'll find help!"

She says, and you hear her footsteps fade away. You are relieved, but it does not get rid of the throbbing sensation in your head.  Unable to support your own weight, you fall to the ground. Steam escapes out of the top of your visor and you struggle to breathe. You begin to lose your hearing, and your headache fades as you pass out.



You hear muffled voices around you, and you don't open your eyes. You only vaguely remember what had happened earlier. The sounds become clearer, and you're able to understand what they're saying.

"How long have they been out?"

You hear Katie ask.

"At least an hour..."

Uzi answers.

"But N, how-"

"I... would rather not talk about it."

Disassembly Drone 2.0 (N x  GN! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora