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"Tae what is written in the letter" Hobi who just came in asked. He already saw taehyung sitting there with a letter and asked his parents about the situation.

"Give me. I'll read it." Yuri said snatching the letter out of his hand. Taehyung didn't do anything to stop her from taking the letter. He just sat there staring into space.

"Dear tae,
I am sorry but I can't live with you anymore. I've already spent more than a year with you already. I would have left you sooner but I found out about my pregnancy. I along with my boyfriend who I was dating even before I married you have eloped. Don't look for me. Eunseo is safe with us. I'll send you the divorce papers soon.

Yuri read out loud and covered her mouth in shock. Everyone inside the living room was shocked. Did they heard it correct? "No! This is false! My jungkookie will never do this! She can't! She'll never! I know her! She loves my son! She'll never!" Mrs. Kim shouted with tears leaving her eyes. "Tae. Don't worry. We'll find jungkook. She can't do this.  We know. Let's file a complain." Mr. Kim said squeezing his shoulder in assurance. "Dad! No! I--I mean in the letter jungkook already said in the letter to not find her. Right? So---" Yuri was cut off when Mr. Kim looked at her. "I don't believe this letter. We'll file a case and that's it." He said. " , Mrs. Kim , tae this can't be true. Jungkook has has no lover before you. This is absolutely rubbish." Hoseok said looking at everyone. "I know hobi" Mr. Kim said coming towards them he kept his hand on the Jeon couples shoulder and assured the embarassed parents. "You don't have to worry. We've known jungkook for a year now. We trust her. We know she won't do anything like this. This is a scandal. We'll file-----" He was cut off when suddenly tae stood up "no one will do anything. I'll sign the divorce papers as soon as get them." Tae said with an emotionless face. "Tae---" He cut Mrs. Kim off "I don't want any discussion on this topic any further. I will sign the divorce papers and that's it. No one is filing no case here." Tae said with finality and went upstairs into his room. No one spoke anything. Soon took a crying Mrs. Kim to their room. Soon hoseok along with the elder Jeon couple left the mansion. Yuri too left for her room.


Taehyung was crying shouting punching walls inside his room. "Why why why? Why did you do this to me? Why? You not only seperated yourself from me but also took my daughter. Why? What was my fault? What did I ever do to you?" He shouted punching the walls, crying drastically. "You could have told me about your boyfriend! Why did you not! We could have never gotten married? Why did you make me dream of a family when you had to snatch it away from me like that?" He cried sitting down on the bed with hunched shoulders. Cover his face with his hands he cried and cried. Remembering all the things all the memories he made with jungkook since the day they met each other.


On the other side a woman with her new born baby was sitting at the airport lobby. She covered herself along with her baby who she was carrying in a baby carriage that wrapped around her torso with long over coat. She had her face covered with a long scarf and sunglasses on her eyes. Maybe to hide her miserable state from the world. She had no one along with her. No language not even a mobile phone. She had no idea where she has to go. She just kept crying silently while rocking her baby.

"Jungkookie?" She was startled when she heard someone calling her name. Panicked she started covering herself more with the scarf so that no one could recognize her.

"Hey! Jungkookie is that you? Omg!" The person who just called her was now standing in front of her with a shocked expression when he recognised her. "It is really you! Omg! It has been years jungkookie? Where have been?" The person said still shocked but happy seeing his best friend after so long. "Jiminie hyung?" She said looking up at him. "Yes! It is your jimine hyungie! How are you? come give your hyungie a hug!" Jimin said bending down a little to hug her. He noticed something on her lap. "Omg? What is this? Is that a baby?" Jimin asked in disbelief. "That's my baby hyung." Jungkook said showing him the baby. "What? Really? Omo! Look at this little being." Jimin cooed. "Where are you going in this condition kookie!" Jimin asked a little confused as he sat down beside her. "I'll tell you everything hyung but can you please tell me where are you going?" She asked. "Oh me? I'm going to Dublin. I've got a job there." He answered. "Oh! Congrats hyung. ..... Uhm.. Hyung if you don't mind can i ask something please?" She asked with hopeful eyes. "Yes jungkookie anything." Jimin encouraged her to continue. "Can i come along with you hyung please?" Jungkook asked "huh----" Jimin was cut off "hyungie please I'd tell you every thing ---" Jimin cut her off "you don't have to tell me anything jungkook! And if you want to you can obviously tag along." He said and that was all that took jungkook to cry and thank jimin.


Please ignore the mistake guys

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