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The next day both taekook got ready together and left early for their respective works. Taehyung dropped jungkook to her studio and he himself left for his company. They had their appointment fixed in the afternoon with the doctor.

Jungkook entered her studio and saw goyeon and sumi working. "Is the design for Lee's house complete?" Jungkook asked. "No kook it will take approximately 2-3 weeks more to complete it fully. We are finalizing the second floor right now." Goyeon informed. "Oh okay guys. Make sure we complete it within this month alright?" She informed. Both of them nodded smilling at her and she went to her own cabinet and started working.

Jungkook have decided that she'll complete all the pending projects now and will not take any new one. She has decided to complete all the of her current projects within two months. Submit the designs and get it approved and then Goyeon and sumi can handle it from there. After completing all of her pending projects she'll go on her maternity leave.

It was around 3 in the noon when jungkook got a call from her husband. She smiled while picking up "hello handsome" She said smilling. Taehyung chuckled "hello beautiful baby. What are you doing?" He asked back. "Nothing hubby just working on some new designs." She answered with a sigh while looking at her laptop. "Did you eat anything?" Tae asked from the other side. "Yes I ordered a bluberry smoothie. I am not able to eat anything tae I feel very nauseas seeing any kind of food. Sorry." Jungkook informed. "Don't apologize baby I understand I am on way to your studio get ready and come out. We'll also ask for a solution for your nausea okay." Tae said from the other side. Jungkook smiled while answering a small a yes and came out of the studio within five minutes after taking her belongings from her cabinet.

She smiled seeing tae's car already their. She went to him sat inside. "Let's go?" Tae asked and she nodded smiling.

Within 1t minutes they arrived at the hospital. "Do you have a appointment sir?" The receptionist asked "yes. For Kim jungkook." Tae answered. She smiled while checking on her system. "2 floor right side corridor. Go to Mr. Cha" She instructed smiling. Taekook nodded and went towards the lift hand in hand.

"Mrs Kim jungkook?" The nurse called out in the waiting area. Jungkook stood up with tae and went inside. "Good evening Mrs Kim Mr Kim. Please sit" The doctor greeted and they greeted the doctor back awhile taking the chairs.

"My wife's been throwing up since week now doctor and she also missed her periods so we took a PT at home and it came out positive. We just wanted confirm it doctor." Tae said looking at the doctor. "Okay. Mrs. Kim go and lay down there we'll just take your blood samples and inform you. You can wait outside if you want in the meantime." The doctor said smiling. Jungkook nodded and went towards the bed kept at the corner of the room and laid down there. The nurse came in and took his blood samples. They both walked out bowing at the doctor.

After almost 2 hours they were called again. They went inside and sat in front of the doctor. "So yes. Mrs. Kim here is pregnant. Actually she's 13 weeks pregnant. Which means  that she is in the first week of her 4th month." The doctor informed smilling. Both taekook smiled but jungkook was shocked "but doctor I only had symptoms for week now? How can I be 4 months pregnant already?" She asked shocked. "It is very common Mrs Kim. Some people do not even experience any symptom at all. And some experience it in the last trimester." She again informed smiling. Jungkook sighed in relief while smiling back at her.

"Let's do a scan to see how much the baby has grown and if they are healthy or not" The doctor said and instructed jungkook to lay down on the bed with her top raised up. Jungkook smiled and both taekook went towards the bed. Jungkook laid on the bed while tae rolled her top up revealing her stomach. Tae held her hand reassuringly and sat on the stool beside.

The doctor put some gel on jungkook's stomach and rotated a device all around her stomach while pointing towards the screen in front of them. "Look. This is your baby. It is already the size of a lemon." The doctor informed. Jungkook tightened his hold on tae's hand and looked at the screen with teary eyes. She chocked on her sob and looked at tae who was looking at the screen with tears falling from his eyes while he smiled. The doctor smiled "do you guys want a screen shot?" He asked and both of them nodded. he took multiple screen shots and asked the nurse to wipe off the gel from jungkook's abdomen.

"The baby is doing fine. Come again in a week for a checkup. Don't consume raw meat, under cooked fish, raw eggs, papaya, softened cheese, too caffeine, alcohol, soda----" The doctor dictated them about what not to eat.
"She is not able to eat anything doctors. She always nauseous." Tae said. The doctor nodded and said "the nausea will be there but still I'll prescribe some medicines for it." The doctor said. They nodded and went out. Once inside the car they both hugged cried together. "Let's call everyone to noona's cafe and announce it." Jungkook said. Tae nodded and called his parents and parents-in-law along with hoseok and nayoen. They booked the whole cafe for the evening and told the barrista their idea.

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