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Jungkook came back home and straight away went to her room. She went inside and sat on the bed. Tears started flowing down his eyes as she thought about the events that happened today. First her husband himself called her to his office and promised a date and then. She sighed looking away as more tears flowed from her eyes. She stood and went towards the balcony sitting on the small bench there. She cried and cried  until she passed out on the bench.

Tae parked his car and went inside hurriedly. He ran to his room while ignoring Mrs. Kim who was asking about his early return today from work. Tae went inside but found no one he checked the walkin wardrobe and the washroom but no one was there. He came outside checked his home office but did not find jungkook there as well he checked her home studio but still no sight of jungkook. He called her only to see that her phone was on the bed. He called sumi to ask her if jungkook is at the studio but only to get disappointed as sumi informed him that she saw jungkook the last time this afternoon when she was leaving for tae's company headquaters. Tae thanked her and disconnected the call. He sat down worried and frustrated. He rubbed his face trying hard not to cry. Why is he so dumb why is he so ignorant why does he have to hurt jungkook always. He called jungkook's number only to hear the ringtone from inside the room. He looked at the phone and kept behind him on the bed. He disconnected the call and was about to call his in laws when he saw the balcony door open. He immediately went towards the balcony to find his wife and to his luck he did. He smiled while crying when he saw jungkook sleeping on the small bench kept in their small balcony. He went to him sat in front of him taking the unconscious jungkook's hand in his and started crying. He sat there for some time crying his heart out.

He picked jungkook up bridal style and took her to their bedroom. He changed her into comfortable clothes and laid her inside the duvet. He say down beside her caressing her face with glossy eyes. "I am sorry" He mumbled pecking her forehead repeatedly. His hand went down and he caressed her small but visible bump. He matched his forehead with her and repeatedly apologized. He went towards the small baby bump kissing it and crying on it. Taehyung didn't even realise he slept like that.

Jungkook woke up the moment taehyung put her in bed but did not wanted to open his eyes as he did not wanted to face his husband right now. He felt all what taehyung did. Jungkook put her hand on the back of taehyung's head and caressed it with close eyes. He knew it isn't tae's fault. It is the situation they are in. He has also understood her husband's best friend's motive very well. His husband is too dumb to notice any of that but she is not. She knew what Yuri felt for her husband the day she noticed her looking at her husband with heart eyes filled with love and that was not the type of love friends have for each other. And now the doubts of her going to any low to make taehyung love her back are also clear to jungkook. Just how conveniently she lied to tae that she had already given her the lunch box. But jungkook did not cry because Yuri did not deliver her the lunch box or because he did not got to spend his date with her husband she cried because tae did not call her to ask if she has eaten or not and this the first time tae did not call her to ask if she has eaten yet or not since the day their marriage was fixed since the day they both exchanged their numbers. She felt terrible today when she entered his cabin and saw both of them giggling and laughing without a care of the world. And she knows how her husband is. Taehyung does not think much about situations and if it includes people close to him he won't even realise what he is doing until it's too late.

He entangled herself from tae and walked out of the room to the small terrace they had on the first floor of their mansion. This place was installed after their marriage. When they got married taehyung asked her if she wants to change anything about this room Or house and she just mentioned how she wants to have an open terrace on her floor just like how she had one back home. Taehyung made this place in a soam of 8 days while they were on their honeymoon.

(There open terrace^)

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(There open terrace^)

She was walking towards the patio to sit for a while, when she heard someone call her from behind. She turned around and saw Yuri coming towards her. "Hi!" She greeted excited with a smile. "Hello" Jungkook greeted her back. "What are you doing here alone? Where's tae?" She asked "he is sleeping. I just wanted to take a walk" Jungkook informed going towards the couches and sitting on one of them Yuri followed sitting in front of him. "Are you okay? I saw you crying in the balcony. Is everything okay between you and tae?" Yuri asked. "Yes everything's just fine infact everything is perfect." Jungkook answered. "Won't be for long." Yuri said walking back while smirking at jungkook.

. _ .

I am thinking of changing the name and description of the story as it does not really go well with the story. What do y'all think?

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Thankyou 1k reads guys. It's just been 3 days. Tysm 🙇‍♀️

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