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"Bye mum bye dad I am leaving. "

"Tae wait atleast have your breakfast."
Mrs. Kim yelled from the kitchen.

"No mom I am super late I'll eat out don't worry."
Taehyung yelled back struggling to knot his tie.

Just then his beautiful wife jungkook entered the room with a plate of a single bacon sandwich,
"Here eat this I'll knot your tie come sit." Jungkook said putting the sandwich in front of his mouth

Taehyung shook his head "baby No please I am very late today darling I'll-----" He was cut off when one side of the sandwich was shoved inside his mouth "eat this while I knot your tie. Come on tae finish it fast" Jungkook said handing him the plate. She took the tie from him wrapping it around her own neck and began tieing it while tae chewed on his sandwich glaring at her cutely.

"Here." She adjusted the tie around his collar. Tae kept his half eaten sandwich on the plate and began fixing his hair. Kook fed him the sandwich in between his grooming and made him finish it.

Both of them went out of the room and headed downstairs while tae went to the living room to greet his father before going to the office jungkook went inside the kitchen
"Did he eat?" Mrs. Kim asked concerned. "Yes mom. I made him eat the sandwich. Hand me the strawberry smoothie I'll make him drink it as well you don't worry." She smilled. Mrs. Kim nodded and smilled back while handing him the smoothie and both of them walked out of the kichen together.

"Where is my file mom I kept it here?" Tae shouted from the living room while searching for his file. "Which file? There was no file here in the morning." She answered while shaking her head with a chuckle.

"Drink this while I bring the file. Fast tae. I don't want to hear a word. You should empty the glass before I bring your file." Jungkoon warned before going towards their bedroom to bring the file. Tae drank the smoothie in one go and shouted again "baby I kept it here why are you searching for it in the bedroom? I remember------" He was cut off when he saw jungkook coming down with the file.

"Look at this boy. He was shouting at everyone and searching for the file here in the living room while his file was in the bedroom." Mrs. Kim shook her head with a chuckle while Mr. Kim laughed out loud.

"Here. You kept it in the cupboard last night." Jungkook said handing him the file, his wallet and car keys. "Oh my jungkookie what would I do without you my baby thank you thank you thank you so much my love. I love you so much baby. Thank you for blessing this peasent by marrying me babayyy" Tae expressed while kissing all over his wife's face. "Uffff tae leave me. You are ummm getting late. Goooo now!" Jungkook said pushing him towards the door with a face simillar to that of a beetroot. Tae pecked her lips one last time before heading out and sat iniside the car. They both waved at each other and just like that tae drove off.

She closed the door and came inside.
"Kookie come baby have this. I made this banana smoothie specially for you. Come." Mrs. Jeon said. She nodded and sat on her seat. Jungkook drank his smoothie while the elder Kim couple talked.

They were discussing about taekook's wedding again. That was their favorite of the year. "You're the best decision we've ever made for our tae kookie" Mr. Kim said caressing jungkook's head lovingly. Jungkook blushed.

It's been 10 months of their wedding. It was an arranged marriage. Both of their parents met at party of a mutual friend and at the first glance only Mr. Kim wanted jungkook for his son. He talked with his wife and both of them talked to the jeons. The jeons were ready. They talked with jungkook about the same and she as well was ready only if she was allowed to work after the wedding as well. The kims agreed. Although convincing tae was a little difficult but he agreed once he was shown the photograph. Taekook went on numerous dates before the marriage and developed a good relationship. Both of them mutually decided to keep the wedding private. Only extremely closed family members and friends were invited with no media. As the days progressed both of them grew closer to each other and initially fell madly in love with each other. They complete each other. 'I can't even imagine a life without you' tae says everytime. And same goes for jungkook. She as well cannot imagine a life without his husband anymore. 10 months into the marriage and they've never been happeir.

"Mom I'll visit my parents today." She informed Mrs. Kim who nodded with a smile "sure baby. Will you stay there tonight?" Mrs. Kim asked. "No mom. I'll return in the evening with tae. I'll go there directly from the studio and will come back before dinner." Jungkook informed. "Alright baby go. Also take the Apple cake I made in the morning for them and also tell me before you leave today I've brought a gift for junso please take that for him." Mrs. Kim said. "Sure mom." Jungkook said standing up with his empty plate keeping it in the kitchen and getting ready for the day.

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