Ch.36 Dream Effects

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Meera took in a deep breath, steeling herself for the walk ahead. "Okay, let's go then."

As Meera and the maid stepped out of the tower, a biting wind whipped through the air, sending a shiver down their spines. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the frozen landscape. Meera pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders, the thick fabric offering some protection against the cold. With the lantern casting a warm, flickering light, Meera led the way across the snow-covered lawns of the castle grounds. Each step crunched beneath their feet, the sound muffled by the thick layer of frost. The maid followed closely behind, her hood pulled up over her head to shield her face from the biting wind.

As they reached the gates, the young girl stepped forward, her small hand raising to knock on the weathered wood. She announced Meera's arrival, and the soldiers stationed nearby immediately swung the gates open in response. As Meera stepped through and removed her hood, the soldiers lowered their heads respectfully, bowing before the princess.

"Take me to Venna's room, please," Meera instructed the maid, her gaze sweeping over the grandeur of the palace's architecture. The high dome ceilings and intricate Gothic details envelop Meera in a sense of awe. "I'm afraid I have forgotten the corridors of this place."

"Certainly," the maid replied.

Handing over the lantern to one of the soldiers, Meera fell into step behind the maid as they began their ascent up the grand staircase. Her eyes wandered, taking in the walls adorned with oil portraits of royalty and scenes of historic battles. Each painting seemed to whisper a tale of the palace's storied past, adding to the sense of gravity that hung in the air.

As they walked, Meera couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that settled over her like a heavy shroud. The silence of the palace corridors was oppressive, broken only by the echo of their footsteps against the polished marble floors. Each step seemed to reverberate through the empty halls, amplifying the sense of unease that hung in the air.

Finally, they arrived at Venna's doors, where Meera's maid announced her arrival once again to the maids stationed outside. With a nod, the doors swung open, revealing the chamber beyond. Meera stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared to enter the room where her friend lay ill.

"Thank you," Meera murmured, reaching out to gently touch the young girl's hand in gratitude. Drawing in a steadying breath, she crossed the threshold into the familiar space she had once resided in.

The room was cloaked in the familiar scent of Venna's rose oil, its sweet fragrance mingling with the crackle of the fire in the fireplace. As Meera's eyes adjusted to the dim light, her breath caught in her chest when she sensed a presence she knew all too well. Turning her head, she spotted Eryx seated on one of the sofas, his silver eyes fixed on her with a hint of surprise.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice low and measured. Despite the tension that had gripped her moments before, Meera felt the weight lift from her shoulders at the lack of hostility in his tone.

"I came to see Venna," Meera replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "How is she?"

Eryx's silence stretched on, his gaze lingering on Meera as if he were searching for something within her. Meera held her breath, feeling as though every beat of her heart echoed loudly in the stillness of the room. She watched him closely, her own emotions swirling beneath the surface like a tempest ready to break.

As Eryx's jaw tightened and his eyes flickered with indecision, Meera felt a surge of anxiety wash over her. She had never seen him like this before, so uncertain and guarded.

Finally, breaking the heavy silence, Eryx rose slowly to his feet, his movements deliberate and measured. Meera's heart raced as he approached the sliding doors that separated the bed chambers from the meeting room.

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