29: Since Day One

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Lia's POV:

"How sure are you that you saw someone?" Dad asked as I finished recounting the incident, his tone concerned.

"Simon!" Mum scolded him as she held me tightly. I was quick to defend Dad.

"It's okay, Mum," I assured her, then turned back to Dad. "I'm sure. I was trying to fall asleep, then I got that feeling. That's when I knew someone was watching me. When I opened my eyes, a tall figure was standing next to my bed. I couldn't see what they looked like because it was so dark, but I think it might've been a man. My body jerked up, and they ran and jumped out the window. I probably scared them as much as they scared me."

"Well, whoever that b*stard is, they are going to regret breaking into this house," Mum said, anger evident in her tone.

"Mum, do you mind if I... wait, nevermind," I said, quickly changing my mind.

"What?" Mum said, standing up from the bed and walking towards me.

"No, it's silly. Don't worry about it," I tried to brush it off, but I knew Mum wouldn't drop it.

"No. You don't be silly. Tell me," she said, taking me by the shoulder and looking me dead in the eye.

I let out a defeated sigh. "Do you mind if I sleep with you guys tonight? I don't feel comfortable sleeping alone in my bedroom tonight..." I rubbed my arm awkwardly.

"Of course, my love. You don't even have to ask. Why do you feel shy asking, though?" Mum said, her eyebrows scrunched up.

"Well... I'm twenty. It's kind of awkward to sleep with your parents," I said, a breathy laugh escaping my lungs.

Mum just giggled in response. "Come here." She wrapped her arms around me and gave my head a kiss.

"You might be twenty, but you'll always be my baby," she said as she squeezed me. "Come on, let's get into bed. I'm exhausted," Mum suggested. I smiled in response and got into bed with her.

"Aren't you getting in?" Mum asked Dad as he started to walk out of the room.

"I'm just going to check if everything is locked," Dad said, grabbing the baseball bat again and exiting the room.

"That man," Mum shook her head with a smile. "I love how protective he is," she continued.

"Since day one," I added. "I felt safe with Dad the moment I met him. He just has that aura."

"What about me?" Mum pouted.

"You scared the sh*t out of me," I joked.

She narrowed her eyes at me as her jaw dropped. "What? Really?" She asked.

"Of course not," I said with a giggle. "Well, actually..." I pondered for a moment before continuing, "Maybe you did. Take into consideration, the first time I met you, we were on stage in front of thousands of people. So maybe you didn't scare me, but the environment and situation did."

"Okay, yeah. That makes sense," she said as she covered our bodies with the blanket.

"Dad isn't going to sleep tonight, is he?" I said as Mum switched off the bedside lamp.

"With him being so overprotective? Not a chance," she said, which caused me to giggle.

"I love you, Mum. Good night," I said as I turned over and closed my eyes.

"Good night, my love. I love you so much."

After a while, my mind started to overthink. I wondered whether this was a random attempt at burglary or something deeper. Almost as if the quietness of the house has caused Mum to hear my thoughts, she rolled over to face me.

"Li, I know that you're worried, but I promise that we will protect you from all of this," she said, taking my hand.

"I know..." I whispered.

"It won't be like last time. I promise," Mum's voice cracked with emotion. The tone of her voice broke my heart more than anything.

"Come here," she pulled me into her arms and rested her chin on the top of my head.

"Thank you for making me feel safe," I whispered before closing my eyes.

"Anything for you, my love," She kissed the top of my head and smoothed down my hair as she held me close.

I slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Adele's POV:

Even though Lia was sleeping peacefully in my arms, I had this unrestful feeling in my heart.

What if it was Rich?

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