5: Everything

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Adele's POV:

Simon was not happy at all. He wanted to come back to London, but that would spoil Angelo's concert, and I didn't want that at all. I convinced him to stay in London, which was not an easy task at all. He basically forced me to agree to call him at least 3 times a day to make sure that we're safe.

I love it when he gets so protective over his family. It's one of my favorite qualities about him.

The morning after the incident, I called my lawyer and asked her what we should do about the situation.

"Well, Ms. Adkins, there's not much we can do. You said that you did not recognise the person when you saw them, so if we have no identification, then I'm afraid we can't do anything about it," my lawyer calmly explained to me.

"Can't we find out for what media they work for? Surely they're going to use the picture that they took of me because they went through all that effort to stalk me at my own bloody house." My patience was running thin, and all I wanted to do was break something.

"Once again, Ms. Adkins, we can't do anything until those photos have been published."

I took a deep breath in, trying to keep my composure. "Alright, well thank you for your time." I said politely into the phone.

"You're very welcome; goodbye Ms. Adkins." I could hear beeping, which indicated that she hung up the phone.

I walk over to the couch and lump my body onto it. I bury my face in my hands, rubbing my forehead continuously.

Lia's POV:

I walk into the living room, only to find Mum sitting on the couch groaning and rubbing her forehead. I walk up to her slowly, not wanting to startle her. I gently put my hand on her shoulder, but she immediately flinches.

"Hey, it's just me. Don't worry," I said calmly. I could see her relax when she realised it was just me.

"Don't do that again; I might accidentally punch you because I'll think you're the paparazzi." She rolled her eyes when she said paparazzi.

I let a giggle out and decide to go and sit next to her.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked, hoping to get an enthusiastic response back, even though I already had something in mind.

"I don't really want to go out today Bubs." She groaned while resting her head on my shoulder.

"Who said anything about going out?" I said with a cheeky smile.


"What's all this?" Mum asked flabbergasted as she walked into the music room.

"I might've pulled a few strings and asked Jonathan if we could use some of the studio's equipment for the week. I kind of suspected that you wouldn't want to go out." I said with a smile.

"You seriously are the best daughter ever."

She walked up to the guitar and started picking at it. "You can't play the guitar with those f*cking nails." I said as I scooched onto the piano's chair.

"I know, but it's either guitar or nails, and I choose my f*cking nails." She said with a funny expression. We both burst out cackling because we know it's true. There was a small moment of silence, but then I started to play something on the piano. Something I've been working on for a while.

Mum stopped what she was doing on the guitar and shifted her entire focus towards me. I continued focusing on the piece that I was playing, and I poured my heart out into it.

When I finished, I turned to Mum, and she was in the exact same position as she was 5 minutes ago.

"So what do you think?" I asked confidently, but I was so nervous to hear what she thought about it.

"Baby, that was absolutely stunning; I'm literally speechless." She said with total awe.

"You really think so? I was thinking of adding lyrics, but I just haven't quite figured out how to execute the story that I want to tell."

"Well what story do you want to tell, Bubs?"


There was a short silence. She knew exactly what I meant, and I knew it hurt her a little.

"Hyde Park, Alison's death, You and Dad, Angelo and..." I didn't need to finish that sentence for her to know what I was talking about. We both bowed our heads.

"I want everything to be in this album so that I can move on from it."

"You still haven't moved on?" She asked kind of surprised.

"Not the final step. I feel like if I put it into a song and release it, then I'll feel free from it."

I've moved past it physically, but mentally, I'll never be the same again.

"That's exactly how I feel about my experiences too. That's why all my albums are so sad." She said with a giggle.

"Must be in the genes, innit?" I said with an exaggerated British accent, which caused both of us to burst into fits of laughter.

Suddenly Mum clapped her hands together. "Well come on, let's get some work done."

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