7: The Video

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Adele's POV:

As I was peacefully taking a shower, trying my best to get rid of this horrid hangover, Lia came barging into the steaming bathroom yelling all kinds of things.

"Bubs, calm down, what's wrong?" I said calmly, wincing at how loud she was.

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

"Okay, don't calm down, but can you maybe be a bit softer?" I replied.

"Don't worry, you're about to freak out too." She said with a manic laugh.

"How so?" I asked, kind of scared.

"Look what you posted last night on Insta," she said, frustrated.

"What?" I yelled back, completely ignoring my pounding headache. I quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body, almost sprinting towards my phone.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I yelled at myself, hoping this was one of Lia's pranks again. I opened my Instagram only to be met by a video of Lia and me drunkenly dancing in the studio with the rest of the crew.

'Cheers to an amazing album, my baby! I'm so proud of you!' I yelled on the video. I slapped my forehead thinking about how stupid I am. 'Aw, I couldn't have made this album without you Blue!' Lia replied while falling onto my shoulder in a sloppy manner. I smiled softly, thinking about her calling me Blue. She started calling me that around the age of 18 because we both share the same middle name. Suddenly I snapped back to reality and started mentally beating myself up.

"F*ck!" I yelled when I finished watching the video. "No, no, this can't be happening!" I groaned in irritation. Lia was just walking back and forth with her hands resting behind her head and her elbows up. I could tell she was starting to tear up. "Lia-" Suddenly, she collapsed to the floor sobbing. "This isn't how I wanted this to happen." She cried.

"Lia, look at me." I said as I went and sat down next to her. "Lia, look at me!" I said more strictly. She still continued to cry. "Bubs," I said with a more gentle tone, and that caught her attention. She turned her head towards me slowly and looked up at me.

"It's going to be okay. This is just a little bump on the path that you are on, but I promise you, it'll all work out in your favour." I said as carefully as possible.

"How could you say that Mum? Everyone is gonna think that my success is based on you now!" She yelled, but not towards me, but towards her own frustration.

It was both of our fault. I was the one that took the video of us, but she was the one that thanked me for helping her with the album. Luckily she didn't call me Mum in the video, but I did call her 'my baby', which could be an obvious indication that she is my daughter, but it could also be a nickname. Hopefully the press will leave us the f*ck alone.

Suddenly, my phone starts buzzing and so does Lia's. We both just look at each other with widened eyes. I look at who is calling her and she looks at my phone to see who was calling me. "We're in deep sh*t," I said to Lia. "Deeper than that. We're in the Titanic at this point," she said, bringing a bit of humor into our serious situation. It was both of our managers calling us. We both press the answer button at the same time and put it on speaker.

"What were you thinking!" Both of the managers yelled at the same time. Lia and I winced at their tone of voices.

"Who was that?" Jonathan asked from my phone.

"It's Kerry," Lia's manager answered.

"Good, then we can talk about what the hell you two pulled off last night," Jonathan said frustrated.

"You both were at the party as well, what are you talking about?" I said to them.

"Yeah, but we weren't drunk enough to post something," he grunted. "This is why we took your Insta password away from you in the first place," he said irritated.

"I'm sorry J-"

"Don't talk to Mum like that; she made a mistake okay, and I've already forgiven her for posting the video. It was both of our faults. Let's just be grateful that I didn't say 'Mum' in the video," Lia jumped in.

"Yeah, you might've not said 'Mum' in the video, but Adele did call you 'her baby'. There are already stories in the tabloids about you being her daughter. And about 10 TV show hosts have already contacted me to schedule an interview to address the situation," Kerry explained.

"I won't be doing any interviews that aren't about my album," Lia said to Kerry.

"Well honey, no one is gonna want to interview you about your album now that people think that you're Adele's daughter. All that they're gonna ask you about is Adele."

I felt so guilty at this very moment. It was Lia's dream to become an artist that is well respected and independent, and I took that all away from her.

I chewed on my nails, trying to think of a solution for our very messy situation. Suddenly, as if a light bulb was switched on in my mind, I came up with a genius plan.

"I have an idea," I suddenly spoke up.

"What if we do an interview." I paused.

"Mum, I really don't think-"

"With James," I smirked, knowing that this plan was going to work.

"Uncle Cordon?" She said a little shocked.

"You know he doesn't like it when you call him that," I scolded her. "But yes, Uncle Cordon." I smiled at her.

"That could work," Jonathan said over the phone. "I'll call him myself and ask if he could do a favor for Lia. He's like family, so I know he won't throw her under the bus," I added.

"That sounds like a great plan. Let me know when you finished talking to him and I'll make sure everything is in place."

"Yeah, let me know too," Kerry added.

"Okay, will do," Lia and I said.

"Oh and please, for goodness sake before you forget, just delete the damn video," Jonathan added.

"Right. I'm on it right now," I said with a giggle. And then I hung up the phone, and so did Lia.

"I might actually still be able to continue with a normal career," She said with a smile.

"And I'm so happy about it. Once again, I'm so sorry Li," I said while quickly deleting the video off of my Instagram. After it was successfully deleted, I brought Lia into a hug.

"It might be bumpy in the beginning, but at least I'm getting recognised," She said with a laugh. "Just not maybe the way I hoped I would've gotten recognised. But it's something." She said while shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm so glad that you're turning a very sh*tty situation into a more optimistic outcome," I said proudly.

"Well, that's all I can do. Anyways, let's go call Uncle Cordon,"

She said very excited and with a cheeky smile.

"What happened the last time you called James that in front of him?" I asked while raising an eyebrow and folding my arms, already knowing the answer.

"He said that he'll buy me a pacifier because if he's considered as old then I must be a baby," She said nonchalantly. I just giggle at her cheekiness.

"Don't underestimate him; he will actually do it," I said while shaking my head while laughing.

"Blah, blah, blah, let's go call him," She said while walking towards the kitchen. Once again I just shake my head with a smile, thinking about how lucky I am to have gotten such a unique child.

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