19: The Note

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Lia's POV:

After I finished in the bathroom, I walked to Starbucks where Mum and Dad were waiting for me.

"That took a bit longer than 5 minutes," Mum said, handing me my iced-coffee. "Yeah... the queue was long." I came up with an excuse quickly.

"Alright, you guys ready to leave?" Dad asked as he started picking up all of our shopping bags that were on one of the Starbucks chairs.

"Yes, I'm exhausted," Mum said with a sigh. "The feeling is mutual, Babe." Dad responded.


I knew I was totally exaggerating, but I couldn't for the life of me get this guy out of my head. I didn't even know his name for goodness sake. The only thing that could classify this person's identity was his stunning blue eyes and looks. 'Ugh, I'm such an idiot,' I thought to myself.

I suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Hey," Mum said while walking into my room with two steaming hot mugs. "Hey," I said, sitting up in my bed, taking one of the mugs from Mum. I took a small sip from the steaming hot tea, and I allowed the taste of the liquid to engulf my taste buds. Humming in satisfaction, I said, "Thanks Mum" with a smile. "You're welcome, Honey." She also took a sip of her own tea.

"So?" She asked after her sip. "So?" I cocked up an eyebrow.

"Are you ready for the start of this crazy career?" She sounded amused while asking me that scary question.

"I sure hope so. If I'm not, then my career is going to end before it's even begun." I said, putting my mug down on my bedside table.

"Well, apparently, there has been positive feedback on your album and the interview that we did. It's likely that more TV hosts are going to ask us to do an interview together, but I don't think that's necessary."

"Yeah, but even if we don't do interviews together, the hosts are going to bombard us with questions about each other, especially me. The hosts are going to try and dig out information out of me about you." I said kind of annoyed.

"Bubs, you don't need to answer those types of questions; you can just redirect the attention to your album. That's what I usually do." She started combing her fingers through my hair, trying to calm my nerves down.

"I know. I just hope people respect our privacy, you know?" I said looking down at the bed. "Anyways, I need to go soon." I said getting up from my bed.

"Where are you going? We were just at the mall." Mum asked confused. "I have a nail appointment in about 45 minutes."

"I want to come with. My nails are due for an upgrade." She examined her nails while saying that.

"Alright, I'm sure Kimmie will be fine if you just show up with no appointment." I said sarcastically. "I do that anyway." Mum said while walking out of my room, probably going to her room to get ready. A smile grows on my face as she leaves my room. That woman will forever be a child at heart and most likely get whatever she wants.


"Imagine Kimmie tells you she can't do your nails." I joked as we walked into the mall. "Don't talk rubbish." Mum said, putting on her sunglasses to avoid any paparazzi.

As I search for my sunglasses in my bag while walking, I suddenly bumped into something hard. Disoriented, I look up only to be met with his piercing blue eyes once again.

"We meet again, Emilia." He said with his charming smile.

Mum realised after a few steps that I wasn't walking beside her anymore, and she turned around to see me and this stranger looking at each other. Unable to form any type of words, he continues.

"It seems like bumping into people is a regular occurrence for you." He joked, and I just nervously laughed in response. I saw Mum was starting to approach us, so I quickly said, "Listen, I have an appointment and I'm a little late for it, so I need to go. Once again, sorry for bumping into you... for the second time." I apologized.

"Wait, before you disappear again." He said holding out his hand. I looked up at him in confusion before grabbing the small piece of paper that he was holding.

"My name's Eugene." He said with a smile that could make my heart melt. "Nice to meet you, Eugene, now if you will excuse me."

I quickly walk past him and turn Mum around so that Eugene wouldn't be able to see his face. Mum turns her head again to get a full view of the guy. "Wow." She suddenly said when she saw his face. "Who is that?" She asked as we continued walking towards the nail salon.

"No one." I mumbled, trying to avoid this conversation. "Well, clearly it's someone, Bubs." Mum said with a smirk. "Does Lia have a crush?" She cooed at me, trying to annoy me.

"No Mum, it's just someone I accidentally bumped into on my way to the bathroom earlier today." And I mentally smacked myself as I said that.

"Oh, so that's why you took so long to get to the bathroom." Mum said amused. "Yes, I needed to pick my things up that I dropped." I said, trying to make it sound like nothing happened, because nothing did.

"What did he give you earlier?" She asked, referring to him holding his hand out. "I actually don't know." I said confused, grabbing the piece of paper from my pocket and opening it carefully.

It was his number. Call me ;)

Even though I felt instant butterflies in my stomach, I rolled my eyes when I looked at the paper. Trying my best to convince Mum that I didn't care, and probably trying to convince myself too.

"It's his number." I said in an annoyed tone. "Oh, let me see." Mum said trying to snatch the piece of paper from me.

"No!" I smacked her hand away, trying not to damage the paper. "Look who cares now." Mum said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up." I said as we walked into the nail salon. Kimmie was sitting at the front desk waiting for us, or if I should say, waiting for me.

"Well, if it isn't my two favourite customers." She said with a wide smile.

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