20: Distant

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Adele's POV:

"How was the mall?" Simon asks as Lia and I walk into the house. "Absolutely fantastic. I got my nails done, and guess what?" I said with a smile, hiding my hands behind my back. "What?" He replied with a smirk, slowly walking towards me.

"I got your favorite color," I said with a big smile as I show my blue-colored nails.

He dramatically gasps and grabs my hand. "My Lady, you shouldn't have," he said in a posh tone as he gently kisses the top of my hand.

"Just a little reminder of you," I said while wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Isn't the ring enough of a reminder?" Lia asks while still typing on her phone.

"Nope," I said, still looking into Simon's eyes. He quickly pecks my lips before letting go of me.

"Where's Angelo?" I asked, suddenly missing my prince. "I think he's in his room," Simon replied.

I walk downstairs towards his room. On his door, it says 'Warning! Enter at your own risk,' which I find hilarious. I open the door, and he's busy playing Fortnite. I decide to scare him while he's busy concentrating. I sneak up towards him slowly, trying to time it perfectly. Just as he started shooting someone, I shout, "Wah!"

"Ah sh*t!" He shouts. My jaw drops as he cusses. "Angelo James Konecki!" I scowl at him.

"Sorry, I thought you were Lia," he said as his face turned red in embarrassment.

"I know I'm not one to talk, but watch your mouth, baby," I said gently combing my fingers through his hair. "I know, I'm sorry," he said, taking his headset off.

"What's up?" He asks as he turns around in his seat facing me.

"What? Can I not have a chat with my son?" I asked with a breathy laugh. "Since when?" He says while laughing.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a frown. "Well, you never chat with me anymore really; you're usually busy or with Lia," he said nonchalantly, almost sounding unbothered by it, which bothers me.

"Baby, that's not true," I said sounding kind of offended. "I'm never too busy for you," I say sitting in the chair next to him.

"Okay," he answers, and the tone in his voice makes it seem like he doesn't fully believe me.

"Hey. Look at me," but he was trying to avoid eye contact by looking at his screen.

"Angelo. Look at me." Using his actual name caught his attention. "I'm never too busy for you. I want you to believe that. You can chat with me anytime you want, okay?" I said grabbing a hold of his hand, looking into his eyes so that he knows that I'm being serious.

"I know, stop being so serious," he laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, well how about we watch a movie upstairs?" I asked, hoping to spend some time with him.

"Nah, I'm not really up for it; I kind of just want to continue playing my game."

I'm not going to lie, that hurt me a little. "Oh okay, totally. I get it. Maybe next time," I replied with a smile, even though I was kind of disappointed that I wasn't going to spend time with him.

"Okay, well bye," he said, putting his headset back on and turning around towards his screen. I sit there for a little while longer, just looking at him. I let out a deep sigh and slowly stand up from the chair. As I reach the door, I look at him one last time before closing it completely.

I walk towards my room with a little bit of a bruised heart. I feel like Angelo is becoming distant. Maybe it's because he's almost a teenager.

Simon was already laying on the bed, working on his computer. "Hey Babe," he says as I walk into the room. He could see on my face that something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Does Angelo seem distant to you?" I asked straightforward.

He thinks about it for a while, scrunching up his eyebrows. "No, not really. Why?" He asked as he continued working on his computer.

"I think I'm being sensitive," I said while taking my shoes off. "How so?"

"Well, I asked Angelo if he wanted to watch a movie, and he said no because he'd rather play his game. I don't really spend as much time with him anymore, so I was just a little hurt due to the fact that he didn't want to spend time with me. But I know I'm just being overdramatic. I just miss the times when he needed me all the time, you know," I said while laying down on Simon's shoulder.

"Laurie, it's okay to feel like that. It just shows that you care a lot about spending time with him, which is a good thing," he answered, shutting his computer and wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah..." I take a deep breath, and I just close my eyes for a little, appreciating the feeling of security while being wrapped in Simon's big, strong arms. "Lia met a boy at the mall," I said randomly, knowing exactly how Simon was going to react.

"She what?" He said in almost a harsh tone.

"Calm down Papa Bear, I didn't say she was getting married," I said with a giggle.

"Who is it?" He asked, obviously being the overprotective father that he is. "I don't know his name, but he's quite attractive."

Simon pulls out of the hug and looks at me with narrow eyes and his mouth hanging open. "Attractive, huh?" He said, sounding offended even though I knew he was being overdramatic.

"Nothing compared to you, baby," I said with a smile, trying to redeem myself.

"That's more like it," he said as he laid back down and pulled me even more into his arms.

"She's really growing up, huh?" Simon said, referring to Lia that's already an adult. "Scary, isn't it? She's already starting her career too," I said as disbelief engulfs my body.

"Who would've thought we've only had her back for 4 years," Simon said in a nostalgic manner. "Feels like a lifetime," I replied with a yawn as tiredness suddenly overcomes my body.

"I love you, Babe," I said as I slowly close my eyes. "I love you too, Laurie," he replied, gently kissing my forehead.

I don't know how, but the last thing I remember before I fell asleep was that I was listening to Simon's heartbeat as I was lying in the safest place in the world. His warm embrace.

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