24: The Phone Call

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Adele's POV:

"Why do both of you look so tense?" Lia asked as she walked into the kitchen and dropped her stuff onto the kitchen island.

But what she doesn't know is that Simon and I are actually so relieved that they are both home safe, due to the fact that her worst nightmare is walking around freely.

"Tense? We're not tense. Why would we be tense?" I said while nervously giggling. Simon secretly grabs my hand and tightly squeezes it, which instantly calms me down.

Lia just looks me up and down weirdly. "Okay, whatever you say, Blue."

She goes to the fridge, and as she opens it, she turns to me and asks, "Why did you want Angelo and me to come home so urgently? We were enjoying ourselves."

"Um... We got a warning that there was going to be a paparazzi flood at the mall, so I wanted you guys to get out of there before they came."

"Oh wow, thanks for calling then." She thanked me as she took a sip of her cold water that she took out of the fridge.

"Anything for you, my love," I said with a smile. "Okay, well, I have some work to do, so I'm just going to go to my room."

"Okay, see you guys later then," Lia said and exited the kitchen.

I instantly turn around and look at Simon. "What are we going to do?" I asked, suddenly becoming emotional.

"Laurie, everything is going to be okay. Come on, let's go to the room so that the kids don't hear us," he said as he led us to our room.

As I was walking towards the room, it suddenly hit me out of nowhere.

I stop, frozen in my position, my eyes wide in shock.

"Laurie?" Simon said as he turns around and realises I stopped walking behind him. "Del?" He asked again, but I'm still out of it, just looking straight ahead of me with wide eyes, absolutely terrified.

"Adele," he says sternly, touching my shoulder as he looked into my eyes.

I slowly turn my focus to him.

"Simon, what if Rich was the one that took the pictures?" My voice cracked due to the sudden lump that has formed in my throat. I stared deep into his soul, a single tear drop falling from my cheek.

As if Simon also had the same realisation, he stops looking at me, and his eyes go wide.

He suddenly shakes his head in denial. "No, Adele. It couldn't have been him. How would he have known where you guys were?" He asked.

"How would anyone have known where we were?" I said, absolutely petrified.

He responds with silence, contemplating whether it could be possible.

"Come on," he holds his hand out for me to grab. I take it, and he leads us to our room and closes the door.

Lia's POV:

I have no clue what I'm going to wear for the date tomorrow night. Maybe I just shouldn't show up at all. I smile at the thought, but it quickly fades when I realise that, that would be a dick move.

"Ugh, why did I ever agree to this stupid date?" I said loudly to myself. "Well, I didn't agree, I was told," I said once again, having a conversation with myself.

"Okay, maybe this black dress?" I said as I took a tight-fitting black dress out of my closet and held it up to examine it.

"Nah, too Mum," I toss it to the side.

I take a pink one and examine it. "Nah, too girly."

I finally see a deep red dress that accentuates my curves and bum. I smile as I take it out of the closet. I nod my head in approval before saying, "Yes."

I hung it on the railing in my bathroom, and I finally slump onto my bed.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, I suddenly got a crazy idea.

I look at the note that has Eugene's phone number on it, and I contemplate for a solid minute whether I should amend with my stupid idea or not.

I finally sit up and grab my phone and the note. I type his phone number into the caller ID and let it ring. Almost immediately he picks it up, as if he's been waiting for my call.

"It's about time you called." His deliciously deep voice echoes through my ears.

"Wait... How'd you know it was me?"

"I have my ways." I could practically see his smirk already. I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Why did you decide to call?"

"I wanted to know why you asked me out to dinner," I said as I lay with my stomach on the bed and my feet crossing in the air.

"Well, I'm intrigued by you and I want to get to know you better."

"So, basically you fancy me?" I asked straightforward.

"Yes, Blue, I fancy you."

My eyes widened in shock, and for a second I stopped breathing.

"How do you know-"

"Google is a thing," he said while chuckling.

"Well, please don't call me that," I said, but it came out ruder than I meant.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just thought it was a cute name," he said, sounding like a hurt puppy.

"No, I'm sorry. That came out ruder than I meant," I said as I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples.

"My mum calls me Blue. It's a special nickname between us because her middle name is also Blue. So I don't like it when someone else calls me it, except for her," I blabbered.

Why am I telling him all of this? He probably doesn't even care.

"I understand. My mother also had a nickname for me. She called me Eu'genius' because I did well in school and she was always so proud of me and called me the most clever person she knew. I always thought the name was a bit ridiculous, but now I cherish that nickname more than ever," he said while laughing. I could listen to him laughing for hours; the sound was just so beautiful and calming.

"Was?" I asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"You said your mother was proud of you." As I said that, I realised how stupid I was.

"Oh," he clears his throat before continuing. "Um, my mother passed away 4 years ago," he said.

I immediately think about Alison and how tragic her death was for me. I didn't want to tell him that I can relate to him because I don't really trust him enough to tell him that side of my life. At least not yet.

"Oh Eugene, I'm so sorry for asking-"

"No no, it's fine. Maybe I can tell you more about her tomorrow at our dinner," he said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yes, I would love that," I said sincerely. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, yeah?" I said, trying to fill the silence.

"See you then. Bye Emilia."

He emphasised on the Lia part. Oh no, he's probably figured out who I am by now. That was kind of inevitable anyways.

"Bye Eugene." I hung up the phone with a smile and tossed it somewhere on the bed.

I roll over so that I was facing the roof. I let out a deep sigh and just closed my eyes.

"What are you doing to me, Eugene?"

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